"Cats of LakeClan! It is a fresh start. More snow should come soon, and it will wash away the traces of our battle. They were all brave cats. Falcon has luckily survived, and he wished to receive a warrior name."
Falcon was laying by the medicine cat den. He had come out for the announcement. She leaped down and padded to the tom.
"Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what he is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on he will be known as Falconstone, for his determination and fierce loyalty. Though you weren't born here, you came for your love for Frostysky. We all honour you as a warrior."
She touched her nose to his forehead and he licked her shoulder. She smiled and then saw Birchstorm walking over with a tom.
"Who's this?"
Birchstorm dipped his head.
"He won't say his name, but I don't know."
The cat looked at Falconstone, then at Dreamstar.
"My name is Bane, and you must be Dreamstar."
Ridgefeather tried to smile, but his heart felt weighed down. He only had his kits now. Nothing else. Maple had died, he had lost his position as a medicine cat. He had lost his whole being it felt like. He glanced over at Nestflame, the cat he could have considered his best friend. Could he still? After all that happened? He shunned me. He said I wasn't welcomed at the Mooncave... Ridgefeather closed his eyes, only wishing that maybe, just maybe that twoleg nest never did burn down. That it was all a dream, and he would wake up to warmth and the smell of Maple's fur. Then Ink and Oakpaw would wake up, and their usual day would begin. He shook his head quickly as he felt himself longing for the life he had come to know. The life with Maple, with safety for his family, for himself. The life of a kitty-pet. At first it was horrible, then he grew feelings for the tortoiseshell she-cat, and it was home. He looked again at Nestflame, feeling ashamed.
Crowpaw looked at Ivypaw.
"We could go hunting! The clan always needs food. We can try to find Ashpaw and Lotusmoon!"

Ivypaw nodded. "Sure. Hey, Sweetpaw said that you clan cats fished. Could you teach me how? I've only ever eaten mice and lazy pigeons, and Dreamstar's not exactly available, so..." she trailed off, looking expectantly at Crowpaw.
Crowpaw nodded.
"Ya! Fishing is great! We could practically live off of fish!"
He purred.
"It's a little cold now, but we always fish."
"What does fish taste like, anyway? I heard that it was very bland," Ivypaw said conversationally as the two made their way to the entrance of the camp.
Crowpaw smiled.
"Fish tastes great! Way better than mouse or bird. But if you haven't had fish before, then you may not like it."
He purred, imagining a good meal.
Falconstone nodded to Dreamstar, Frostysky pressed her pelt against his and purred "I'm so happy your alive... when I thought I lost you... and the kits..." she shuddered.
Falconstone smiled at licked her cheek, "The kits are safe, but I was not going to leave you so easily." he purred "I will never leave you. Ever."
Frostysky nodded, still looking troubled "I just... it's so hard to loose so many..."
Falconstone sighed "Frostysky, this is a wound that will not heal so easily..."
"I-i know." Frostysky sat down... looking up to the sky, a stormy expression on her face
Featheredpaw ran over to Ink, purring loudly "Hey Ink, how are you doing..." she mewed sheepishly,sitting down to clean her paw.
Ivypaw shrugged. "Well, I've really gotten used to eating nearly everything, since after my and Ashpaw's parents died we had to take care of ourselves, and without any real training we obviously weren't experts. We even ate a bit of rat and crowfood when we were really desperate. I'm pretty sure that fish would taste fine for me," she said, flicking her tail as she looked around, trying to get used to the unfamiliar territory.
Ink looked surprised as Featheredpaw sat beside him.
"Oh! Uhh, I'm doing fine. I wasn't close to many of the cats in the clan, except for my mother really. Ridgefeather seems really broken up about it. How are you?"
He looked over at Ridgefeather was was laying down, his eyes closed.
Crowpaw laughed.
"Maybe! I'll see if I can show you any main parts of our territory. Though it was mostly just the lake, and the border with MarshClan."
Featheredpaw nodded "It's hard to loose a mom..." she looked down, there was still no word from Strongspirit, she closed her bottle green eyes and opened them again, they were twinkling like they always did and she gave a loud purr "At least we have eachother right?"
Ivypaw's ears pricked up. "MarshClan? There are more of you clan cats?" When Crowpaw nodded, her eyes widened. "But there are- well, were- so many of you already! How many are there?"
Ink nodded, smiling.
"Ya, we do."
He purred back.
Crowpaw laughed.
"MarshClan is where Rippleblaze, Dreamstar's mate, is from. There are less of them, and there is also BlackClan. BlackClan apparently used to be our enemy, but a new leader took over. And there are many, many clans. Scattered all over!"
Featheredpaw smiled "So, you think we're gonna stick around here?" she looked at the burnt dens "I mean will anything grow?"
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