Please read first post for a good bye

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Ridge of Feathers

Markstar padded out of his den, his coat dull. He shook himself vigorously, feeling sick. Tonight would be the half-moon, so Nestflame would be going.

(I actually don't know if it is. >.< But whatever)

Markstar padded to Nestflame's den.


Nestflame looked up from the herbs he was sorting.

"Markstar? What's wrong? You look sick."

Markstar nodded.

"I think I may have White Cough or something. "

Nestflame padded forward and pressed his nose to Markstar's forehead.

"It doesn't feel or smell like White Cough. I'll give you some herbs. It may just be a cold."

He grabbed some herbs, and told Markstar to eat them, and come back later. As Markstar left, Nestflame noticed Burst watching, his eyes cold. Nestflame started slightly as he looked at those eyes. Then he shook his head, wiping his mind of any thoughts. He had to leave for the MoonCave.


Ridgefeather lifted his head as Maple prodded him.

"Come on! It's warm out! We can go outside!"

He leaped to his feet. He had not been outside in moons. He padded after Maple, and slid past the slightly cracked door. Immediately he sniffed the air. Taking in all the strong scents he had almost forgotten. He looked around at the sky. Such a blue sky. And the grass. So green. He sniffed the air again, and stiffened. His ears swiveling to the fence. He leaped into the small tree in the backyard, and looked out. His heart pounding as he watched him. Nestflame. Ridgefeather took a step forward on the branch, his brain telling him to race after Nestflame. To go back to the clan, where he belongs.

He jumped slightly when he felt Maple leap up beside him.

"What's wrong?"

She followed his gaze, and watched Nestflame disappear into the trees.

"Who's that?"

"Nestflame. My mentor. It must be the half moon... "

Maple looked at Ridgefeather as he spoke.

"I need to do something. At Moon-High. I need to make a sign, to let him know I'm okay."

Maple nodded.

"You're not leaving?"

Ridgefeather didn't respond.

"Can you come with me there? I'll need your help to get of the Two-leg Nest."

Maple nodded.

"Of course. I'll try to keep a window open."

Ridgefeather nodded his thanks, and waited for Moon-high.


Moon-High came quickly, and Maple and Ridgefeather slipped out of the Two-leg Nest, padding quietly towards the Moon-Cave. All his old senses and memories came back to him. This was a familiar path. Something he knew. As he got closer to the MoonCave, he grew more anxious, and only when he stepped in front of the large opening did his body relax. He heard Maple gasp, making him smile. He looked into the stream to see a stone slightly shining. Not tonight. Ridgefeather gathered some non-shiny pebbles, giving some to Maple, and padding into the MoonCave. Nestflame was sleeping deeply. Ridgefeather smiled and breathed in his scent deeply, before starting to set up the pebbles. he created a perfect ridge on the other side of the small pool. It surrounded half the pool, and was strong. Nestflame would be waking up soon. Ridgefeather nodded to Maple, and she handed him a large, tan feather, almost the same colour as his fur. He placed it sticking up among the rocks. The tip embedded amongst them, and the top swaying slightly in the breeze. Ridgefeather smiled at his sign to Nestflame. He nodded, then padded out of the MoonCave quickly with Maple.

He leaped over the fence, and before he slipped back into the Two-leg Nest, he heard a loud yowl of shock as Nestflame awoke. Ridgefeather hoped he was doing the right thing, and slipped in after Maple.

I didn't try hard on this, but below is the pool, then the ridge of rocks, and the feather. I jsut wanted to give a general picture of what I imagined. ^_^ If I had actually spent time on this, it would have looked really good. ;)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Jet- Part 6


A slow smile came upon Dreamsea's face. She watched as Jetblaze's expression changed from calm sincerity, to shock, to happiness. She looked down, not knowing what to say.


She looked up at Jetblaze as he spoke.

"W-why did you change your mind?"

She sighed.

"Because Cloudriver appeared to me. He made you, look like him, so I knew it was the right choice. Cloudriver was telling me what I could never figure out."

Jetblaze looked down.

"Who's Cloudriver?"

Dreamsea smiled.

"In my old life, he... I guess he was my first mate. But, that was my past life."

Jetblaze's eyes shot to hers, and Dreamsea took a step towards Jetblaze.

"And this. This is my future."

She took another step towards Jetblaze. She was close enough to hear his shallow breathing. She stood beside him, her shoulder to his shoulder, but so they were facing opposite directions. She looked at the rising sun.

"See that sun Jetblaze."

Jetblaze turned around to face the sunrise.

"That sun. That sun symbolizes new life. New beginnings. A rising sun is the start of a new day. The start of a new world. The moon gives way to light and life. To beginnings and endings. To a new start. A new day. A new... future."

She looked warmly at Jetblaze, and whispered softly.

"And this is only the beginning of ours..."

Jetblaze looked into Dreamsea's eyes, searching. He smiled slightly. He shook his head and laughed.

"No, Dreamsea. This is not the beginning."

She narrowed her eyes at him in confusion.

"This is more like the middle. Like, when we first met. Now that was a beginning!"

Dreamsea rolled her eyes.

"Nice. Ruin my little speech!"

She laughed.

"Come on. We should get back to camp. We've been out all night. And we'll have to go on patrol probably."

Jetblaze sighed, and together they padded back to camp. Before they got too close to camp, Jetblaze stopped.

"Are we going to tell anyone?"

Dreamsea turned around in confusion, and Jetblaze continued.

"Well... are we... umm... mates now?"

Dreamsea closed her eyes.

"Do you love me?"

Jetblaze nodded.

"I... love you. So, yes."

Jetblaze smiled slowly.

"But are we going to tell anyone? Like.. I'm not too sure if we should yet...."

Dreamsea smiled.

"My thoughts exactly! Come on. I'll go in first, then you wait a bit then come in."

Jetblaze nodded, and let Dreamsea pad in, then he soon followed. Dreamsea quietly padded into her nest, trying not to disturb anyone. Jetblaze did the same, and went to his nest. It wasn't that far away from Dreamsea's, and he sighed as he curled up. Dreamsea smiled, and drifted off to sleep before she would have to go on patrol.

(Sorry it's not that long, I couldn't think of anything else to write. :3 That is pretty much the end of that little writing series, but there will probably be another soon!!!!!!!!)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Sign from StarClan

Markstar closed his eyes, listening to the rhythmic breathing of Strongspirit beside him. 5 new cats had come in the last moon. Burst, Flash and Singe. They seemed mysterious, and drawn away from the clan. Ebonywing, who had come gravely injured. She was getting better now, but seemed receded from clan life. Then, Grin. His mind drifted. Grin had seemed so different... Markstar shook his head, and fell asleep.

Markstar awoke if a dark clearing.Then, he saw it. The LakeClan camp appeared in the distance, and somehow, he was able to see everything. He saw the clan, but something seemed different. It seemed... chaotic. He looked around for himself, but didn't see him. What had happened to make the clan so out of order? But then, Markstar saw him. It came as a shock, to see him, running around the clan, trying to calm them. Why was he doing this? Shouldn't his deputy, Silentsong, be calming everyone? Markstar's eyes stayed glued on him, and he suddenly realized what had happened. He took a step back, shaking his head, knowing what he must do. He continued to watch him as the clan slowly calmed down, before he woke up, sunlight streaming into the den.

Markstar looked around, and padded out of his den. He looked around for the cat, his eyes catching sight of the white fur. He bounded over to him, and whispered.

"Grin. We need to talk."

Grin looked startled but followed.


Markstar leaped onto the Lake Rock, and called the clan together.

"This ceremony may come as a shock, but I feel I must do it, as StarClan have never been wrong to me before."

Markstar nodded, and began.

"I say these words before StarClan, that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice! The new deputy of LakeClan is Grin!"

Yowls of shock and anger rang out. 

"Grin has been here only for a few sunrises!
Why would you make a total stranger deputy!?
How do you know you can trust him?!
What would lead you to this decision?!
Grin isn't fit to be deputy!"

Markstar growled.


The clan fell silent at once, though fur still bristled. All eyes were staring at Grin, who sat straight, not being penetrated by the clan's harsh words.

"You will accept him as your deputy, or LEAVE! I received a sign from StarClan. Do you doubt StarClan? Or only me? I thought my clan trusted my judgment better then this. I know I'm young, but becoming leader has made me have to act older. I lost my youth! If you don't like me being leader, then don't blame me, blame Dreamstar!"

Dreamstar's name sent a horrible hush over every cat. They all stared at Markstar, their eyes wide. Dreamstar's name was rarely mentioned, not because she was hated, but because every cat missed her. Her death at been a terrible blow to the clan. It had made them weaker, and they still were weak. A barrier had seemed to rise around the cats. The clan had seemed, almost parted.

Markstar shook with anger and sadness. He leaped off of the Lake Rock, padding out of the camp. The clan didn't even look at him go, but all winced when they heard him yowling. The clan moved away from each other, shooting cold glances at every one they passed. This lash of anger had separated them even more. 

Markstar's yowls went on for the rest of the day. The clan didn't dare venture out of the camp, in fright of running into Markstar. They were hungry, yes, but there terror won over. Grin sat uncomfortably in the camp. He was part of the reason this rift in the clan had appeared. So, he decided to watch the clan. He watched as Strongspirit paced nervously when Markstar had not yet come back as the moon rose. He layed down beside the Lake Rock, knowing it would be torture going into the Warrior's Den.


Burst growled. How dare he interfere! How could Flash and Singe not even recognize Grin!? Burst shook his head, continuing to watch Grin.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Jet-Part 5

Dreamsea padded through the forest. Moonlight shone down on her fur, making it look like silver. Then, she heard a twig snap behind her. She whirled around, and found herself facing Jetblaze.

"J-jetblaze!? What are you doing!"

Jetblaze smiled.

"I followed you Dreamsea."

Dreamsea narrowed her eyes.


Jetblaze looked away.

"Because. I wanted to tell you...."

He took a small breath.

"That.... I love you."

Dreamsea took a stuttering step back.

"W-what!? You were always mean to me!"

He took another breath.

"I was only trying to get your attention. To get you to notice me. That first day we met, when I was stuck in that bramble bush. When I saw you, I was embarrassed. When I got to know you better, my liking for you grew."

Dreamsea shook her head.

"Being mean isn't a way to get a she-cat to notice you, Jetblaze! You be nice!"

Jetblaze flinched slightly at Dreamsea's harsh tone.

"I... I never knew. I never knew any different. I love you Dreamsea."

Dreamsea shook her head.

"You're crazy to love me Jetblaze."

Jetblaze laughed softly.

"If falling for you is crazy, then I'm going out of my mind."

Jetblaze purred and looked at Dreamsea with soft eyes.

"I can't love you Jetblaze. There may be another cat."

Jetblaze's head shot up.


Dreamsea took a breath.

"Rippleblaze loves me."

He laughed.

"Why would he love you!? He's way older then you!"

Dreamsea nodded.

"Please... don't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

Jetblaze nodded.

"I promise."

Dreamsea smiled slightly, and spoke.

"I used to be Rippleblaze's mate. I used to have a different life. I used to be leader of LakeClan. Markstar, he was my son. Rippleblaze, my mate. Then, I died and StarClan gave me a second chance. I can't have a mate, because of Rippleblaze. I feel like I will be dishonoring him. He used to be the leader of MarshClan, and he gave up everything.... his whole clan for me, when I was leader."

Jetblaze took a few steps back.

"Dreamsea.... you must know it doesn't matter if he loves you... But, do you love him?"

Her eyes widened. She had never thought about this question, and she slowly shook her head.

"I-i love him as a father. That's what he has always been to me."

Jetblaze blinked once, and looked down. His usually bright yellow eyes were dark in the moonlight. Then, she heard him speak in a soft whisper.

"Then, Dreamsea, who do you love?"

She gasped, and didn't answer. She saw his dark yellow eyes meet hers, and she quickly looked away. She heard him ask again.

"Who do you love?"

She then met Jetblaze's gaze. I have always admired his power. His heart. He can be mean, but he makes up for it with his kindness. The moonlight was shining on Jetblaze's pelt, making his pelt seem silver with stripes. Dreamsea gasped, because the moonlight made Jetblaze silver with stripes, and green eyes. He... he looks just like...Cloudriver...  She heard him repeat the question once more, and she blinked, and his pelt was black again, and his eyes yellow.

"Who. Do. You. Love?"

She stared into his eyes, and realized they were full of love and admiration. She spoke in a soft whisper...