Please read first post for a good bye

Friday, October 30, 2009'll find out...

Grayshadow walked out of the nursery wanting some air. She looked back at the nursery to see Sorrelkit run out. Snowleaf walked out with Stormkit close behind. Grayshadow gasped when she saw Sorrelkit with blood around her paws. Sorrelkit was older, obviously a warrior, but there was much blood. Then Grayshadow cam back to real life to see Sorrelkit wrestling with Stormkit. Grayshadow sighed. The clan were lounging around and relaxing in the weak sunlight. She also saw Smokepaw walking out with Gazedawn. Grayshadow's eyes widened as she saw herself, Sorrelkit, Smokepaw, Missingfoot, Shinerain, and Driftbreeze looking around in shock. They were covered with blood. The camp was destroyed, and no other cats were in sight. Grayshadow shook her head, trying to get rid of the vision. But there was no use. Then she heard a cat talk...

"Death will kill death, life with live life, six will be six."

Grayshadow continued to see the six cats standing amongst the blood. Then she snapped out of it when she felt someone touch her. She re focused her eyes to see Adder staring at her worriedly. Grayshadow smiled sadly at him and walked into his familiar form...


Everkit narrowed her eyes at Grayshadow blanked out. It was unlike her to do that. She was a very good cat. Everkit turned to see Bluekit walk out and sit down beside her. he turned his sightless eyes to look at her questionably . She scowled under her breath again and turned to look at Grayshadow again. Grayshadow was slowly walking back top to the nursery, a question mark on her face. Everkit turned to leave, because she knew Grayshadow was thinking over the words...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Unfourtunatlly everyone, I shall be turning on Comment Moderation for a while. Some of you may know Tsume. Well she claims I am "stealing" her "playlist" by using That website it free for ANYONE to use. She is yelling at me to stop using it. I have proof. Until she stops, I shall have comment mod. on. Also. Everyone is LakeClan, please comment under this post saying which cats you are. And if you have a blogger account! Because Tsume says she has a cat in this clan, and I what like to find out which cat!

I really am sorry for having to turn on comment mod... but it is the only thing I can do. I have had enough of Tsume yelling at me. Asking her friends to say mean things to me. She HATES her life. And she takes it out on ME! Sorry everyone. Again. I just don't want these things on my blog. If I ever can, I shall take comment mod. off. Sorry. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY AM SORRY!

Tsume said...
PLAYLIST.COM!!!just get the gadgets off your blog,please i have enough stuff to do than shoutin' at you all day.

Tsume said...
Shut up!reason 1:you stole the idea off of Foxpaws...reason 2:you stole the idea AFTER you just said to me,"copyright...blah,blah,blah!". reason 2:i just plain hate you & I hate my life T_T

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Four Apprentices and Five Warriors!

I, Dreamstar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Fernpaw, Stormpaw, Mintpaw, Honeypaw, and Mistpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life? [ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Fernpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Fernpelt. StarClan honors your intelligence and friendliness!

Stormpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Stormpelt. StarClan honors your skills and knowledge!

Mintpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Mintleaf. StarClan honors your compassion and truth!

Mistpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Mistriver. StarClan honors your intelligence and friendliness!

 Honeypaw, from this moment you shall be known as Honeyleaf. StarClan honors your intelligence and friendliness!

Honeyleaf! Mintleaf! Mistriver! Stormpelt! fernpelt!


By naming apprentices we show that LakeClan will survive and remain strong. Reedkit, Larkkit, Smokekit and Hazelkit. Until you have received you warrior names, you will be known as Larkpaw, Hazelpaw, Smokepaw and Reedpaw

  Gazedawn, Missingfoot, Ashfang, and Sunleaf please step forward. For all of you, this woill be your first apprentice!

Gazedawn you shall mentor Smokepaw. Teach him your courage. [Gazedawn and Smokepaw touch noses]

 Missingfootyou shall mentor Larkpaw. Teach her your patience. [Missingfoot and Larkpaw touch noses]

Ashfang you shall mentor Hazelpaw. Teach her your passion. [ Ashfang and Hazelpaw touch noses]

Sunleaf you shall mentor Reedpaw. Teach her your love. [ Sunleaf and Reedpaw touch noses]

Reedpaw! Hazelpaw! Larkpaw! Smokepaw!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


As you all know, yesterday a fox cam einto our camp after Jayflight "saved" this kit, Ever. The fox was merely told to watch over Ever. We don't know who told Flint this. We shall find out all of this soon. But Flint has allowed Ever to stay here. She i five moons old, but will stay in the nursery longer then usual so we may discover why a fox is watching over a kit. For now Ever shall be named as a kit.

Ever. You came to this clan with really no reason. it is safer here, so this is where you shall stay. But you need a clan name. So Ever, from now on, until you earn an apprentice name, you shall be known as Everkit. Welcome to our clan!

Once Everkit is an apprantice, we shall confront Flint who is staying near camp, but not hunting on our territory. that is all!

Everkit. I would like to speak to you in my den.


Also. Tomorrow we will have more apprentices! Also warriors!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Rainwing and ???Kit???

*Dreamstar jumps onto the Round Stone and calls the clan together. She smiles when she sees Fellkit sneak out to watch too.*

I have just found out from Silverfang and Snowshine that Rainwing did not survive.

*Dreamstar bows her head in sorrow*

He will be greatly missed! Green-cought took his life! it looks like it will take Otterkit's life next! Silverfang is doing all she can. But it does not look good.

*Dreamstar looks at her clan. The elders are already bringing ouit Rainwing's body. Dreamstar nodded to them and continued.*

In other news, all is fi-

*Dreamstar is interrupted by a loud yowl of alarm. Dreamstar looks around to see Jayflight run into camp with a small kit, about 3 moons old. Dreamstar quickly jumped down from the Round Stone and ran to Jayflight.

Jayflight was breathing heavily and he fell to the ground. Dreamstar carefully help him onto his paws. Grayshadow came over and took the kit and put it in between her paws.*

Jayflight! What happened?

*Jayflight roled his eyes and pinted to the entrance. Just then a fox came threw the entrance. Snarling and throwing it's head back and forth.  Once the fox saw all the cats it backed up a step and sized them up.*

The fox....wants the kit...Ever...get him away...

*Dreamstar looked at Jayflight confused then at the kit.*


*Dreamstar was flund half away across the clearing by the gray fox. dreamstar quickly took a breth in a shakily stood up. Dreamstar spread her paws apart to brace herself.*

Get. Out. Of. My .CAMP!

*Dreamstar threw herslef at the fox but landed on the bare ground. She yowled in frustration and pain. the fox was slowly padding towards the nursery. he was shooting his glance back and forth among the scared cats.*

Just give me Ever and I will let all of you live!

*Dreamstar looked around. She saw Adder and a group of cats sneaking in the shadows to sneak up on the fox. dreamsatr nodded and continued to look around. She saw the fox growling at the warriors in front of the nursery.*

Wait! Fox! Why do you want this kit so badly!

*The fox turned around and stared feircely as dreamstar*

My name is Flint. I want Ever because he belongs to me! That cat over there took him! I am supposed to take care of him!

*Dreamstar stepped forward. Making the nervous and distressed fox step back.*

Wouldn't it be better if Ever were raised with other cats Flint? i think it would be better.

*Flint looked around nervously*

I was told to watch him!

*Dreamstar shook her head sadly*

You may stay near camp. But I think it would be better for Ever to be raised here. please Flint? You may stay near by. You may not hunt our prey though. You shall have to go out of territory. There is some empty space near the river. I think you know where that is, considering you have been here for a while.

*Flint nodded.*

Fine. I shall leave Ever with you. But I shall be staying close by!

*Dreamstar nodded and signaled for him to leave. Flint eyed her with suspiscion as he passed her. Dreamstar nodded to him and walked to the nursery.*




As you can see I made some changed to LakeClan! it is now three-coloumn template! The background is only temporary until I find(or make) a background that will work! All the cats are closer to the top now, so there is more room too!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Dreamstar walked outside into the clearing, Fellkit following. Dreamstar looked at Fellkit and sighed. His first time out of the nursery, and his father isn't here. Just then dreamstar saw Froststar and a group of cats come in. Dreamstar's fur went on end.

"What this Froststar? I would think this was a battle patrol if it wasn't for the kits you bring!"

Froststar looked at dreamstar with sorrow in her eyes. Froststar looked around at the cats gathering outside the den. One cat caught her eye.

"Dawnkit! Or..."

Dawnfrost's eyes brightned then shadowed over.

"It's...It's Dawnfrost now."

Froststar purred.

"You look great Dawnfrost. These are my new kits, with Frostmoon. Bluekit, Cottonkit, Foxkit and Wolfkit."

Dawnfrost nodded. Dreamstar narrowed her eyes as Moonflower stepped out. The other cats went over to Dawnfrost.

"Dreamstar. May I explain for Froststar?"

Dreamstar nodded and watched as Froststar walked over to Dawnfrost, her kits following.

"Our territory is being destroyed by Two-legs. So Froststar has asked if her kits could stay here, because we are leaving the forest. Well they are...I'm hoping I can stay here with Cliffpath, Rosesea and the kits. Rosesea is staying for the kits. For their comfort. Cliffpath is staying for the kits too. I hope I can stay too?"

Dreamstar's heart lifted and she started to purr.

"Of course Moonflower. You have been greatly missed here. Greatly missed. By me, I think the most. Rosesea and Cliffpath may stay too, and the kits."

Froststar padded over with the her group of cats following.

"Is Dawnfrost not going with you?"

Froststar shook her head.

"These are Dawnfrost's siblings, We came to say good-bye to him. But I think he wishes to stay. That is ine with me."

Dreamstar nodded.

"I named him Dawnfrost after you. So your name would always be with his."

Froststar purred and looked sadly around.

"Thank-you Dreamstar. But we must be leaving now. Good-bye Dreamstar.

Good-bye Dawnfrost and Rosesea, I hope you like it here. And lastly, good bye my kits. Oh and Dreamstar, Bluekit is blind. Rosesea will tell you more, but they are close to being apprentices."

Froststar looked at her kits with sorrow.

"Where are you going Froststar?"

A little white kit with a black patch stepped forward.

"I'm leaving Wolfkit. I have to. But you shall stay here. Where it's safe. I hope I will be able to visit you again, somesay."

Wolfkit wailed.

"NOOOO! I want to go with you then! Please?"

Wolfkit looked at her siblings, but they were all looking down.

"I don't think they want to come. I promise I will visit again, either while I am still leader, or in StarClan."

Wolfkit shook her head.

"I want to come with you. I don't want to see you in StarClan!"

Froststar sighed and swept Wolfkit over to the group of cats she brought.

"Very well then Wolfkit. But you might never see Bluekit, Cottonkit and Foxkit again."

Wolfkit nodded. Knowing that was the price. She nodded and said good-bye to them, then walked outside with the other SandClan cats.

"Good-bye Dreamstar. May StarClan light your path."

Dreamstar nodded and watched at Froststar walked away.


Dreamstar looked at  Cliffpath, Rosesea and Moonflower.

"Rosesea. You can take the kits to the nursery. Snowleaf can care for them. Moonflower and Cliffpath, you may go to the warrior's den and rest up."

Dreamstar walked back to the nursery with Rosesea following. She slightly heard Moonflower sigh in contempt as she walked ot the warrior's den. Dreamstar smiled and was welcome to Fellkit's curious mew....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Brightfire's Apprentice

We have another apprentice joining us today! Beepaw! Welcome Beepaw! brightfire, you are a passionate and loyal cat. You shall be Beepaw's mentor!

Beepaw! Beepaw! Beepaw!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Petalpaw and Snowleaf's Kit's

We have a new apprentice joining us today! Petalpaw!

Robinfeather. You are brave and loyal. You shall be Petalpaw's mentor. Teach her all that you know!

Petalpaw! Petalpaw! Petalpaw!


Snowleaf has had her kits! One kit was born still, Streamkit. But the other two are healthy! there is one she-cat and one tom!





Congratulations Snowleaf!


In other news, Hollyfeather, Hailkit, Snowleaf and Stormshadow are all better from there sickness. But Otterkit, Willowblossom and Rainwing are all still very sick.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Three Warriors and Danger

I, Dreamstar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Sunpaw, Redpaw, and Bluepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life? [ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Sunpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Sunleaf. StarClan honors your intelligence and friendliness!

Bluepaw, from this moment you shall be known as Bluefern. StarClan honors your skills and knowledge!

Redpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Redfang. StarClan honors your compassion and truth!

Sunleaf! Bluefern! Redfang!


Adder has brought been told that great danger comes soon! Be ready! I must go back to the nursery now...


Friday, October 16, 2009


Dreamstar woke gasping in pain. She looked around; it was dark out. Dreamstar slowly got up as a spasm ran through her body. She stiffly walked out into the clearing. Light, white fluffs started to drift down. Snow. The air was chilled and the nigth was still. Dreamstar looked around, her breaths coming in grea white puffs. A small spasm rippled through her. Dreamstar walked to the camp entrance to see that Firepelt was standing there. She walked through and nodded to Firepelt. She silenced him with a flick of her tail and walked on.

Dreamstar painfully walked to the river. She looked across to see Ripplestar curled on the other side. Dreamstar sighed an dmurmered under her breath.

"Does he wait for me every night?"

Dreamstar looked at Ripplestar's still form, and let out a quiet mew. Ripplestar's head came up. he looked around until he saw Dreamstar's swollen figure. He lightly leaped across the log and rubbed up against Dreamstar.

"Ripple-ripplestar"Dreamstar spoke chattering through her teeth."I'm-i'm having the kits. Now."

Dreamstar fell to the ground as a spasm ripped through her body. Dreamstar gasped for breath and took in rigid air. Ripplestar's eyes clouded with worry.

"I want-wanted you to be here. I-I couldn't do it without y-"

Dreamstar yowled in pain as a spasm rippled through her.

"Help-help me."

Dreamstar mewed and looked pleadingly up at Ripplestar.

The snow was starting fall more heavy, and the wind started to pick up.

"Don't leave me Ripplestar. Please. Stay here."

Dreamstar whispered so low that it could barely be heard above the howling wind. Ripplestar croutched down low and whispered in her ear.

"Don't worry. I will never leave your side."

Dreamstar sighed and let her eyes flutter closed. But Ripplestar shook her, making sure she stayed awake. Dreamstar's eyes opened and closed, she tried to open her eyes to see Ripplestar, but could barely lift them. Ripplestar lay down beside her. Offering his warmth to her. He could feel the small spasms going through her. Here shivering. He could feel everything. Then Dreamstar stiffened and a massize spasm went through her. She yowled and a kit slipped into the world. Ripplestar quickly strated to lick the kit frantically. But he knew it was useless. it was born still. Ripplestar still placed it beside Dremastar, so it wouldn't get covered in snow.

Dreamstar stiffened as more cold touched her body. She went still and breathed out.

"I'm sorry. This kit was already still."

Dreamstar nodded slowly and let her body go limp in defeat. Ripplestar pushed his head into her side, trying to keep her going.

"Come on Dreamstar. you ghave to keep trying. Please. For me? For the kits?"

Dreamstar stiffened her body, prepared. She winced as another kit came. It was also still. Ripplestar caefully cleaned it and told Dreamstar the news.

Three more kits came, all alive.

"Dreamstar. The last one looks like me. What do you want to name him. The second last is black with white stripes, a she-cat. The third last one is light brown, another she-cat. The two still ones are both toms, one is white with brown spots, and the other is gray."

Dreamstar groaned and went limp in pain.

"The one...that-that looks like you...Fellkit. The black and white...Webkit. The can name. also the rest."

Dreamstar newed weakly, forcing every word.

"The brown and white, Mudkit. The white and brown, Mistykit, the gray, Shadekit. Do you like it Dreamstar? Mistykit and Shadekit...I hope are happy in StarClan. I'm sorry to say but it doesn't look like Mudkit will make it. Webkit isn't that strong either. But Fellkit is the strongest."

Dreamstar didn't respond. Ripplestar started to become frantic. He knew Dreamstar was sleeping, but sleeping in this weather could lead to death. Ripplestar looked around for a hollow log or tree. Then a small hollowed out tree caught his eye. He cleared out the snow around Dreamstar and brought Shadekit and Mistykit first. Then he brought Fellkit, Mudkit and Webkit. Last he pulled Dreamstar into the log. When he got there and placed Dreamstar down, Fellkit scrambled over. Webkit mewled, but didn't move. He picked up Webkit and placed her beside Dreamstar. He went to pick up Mudkit, but realized that her body was turning cold. He sighed and placed her off,in front of Dreamstar and Ripplestar, with Mistykit and Shadekit.

Ripplestar looked at his two remaining kits, and his love, Dreamstar. He curled around the kits. Trying to keep them alive. Ripplestar stayed awake all night, keeping the entrance to the tree open.

It stopped snowing close to down. He cleared out the entrance one more time, and lay down next to the kits and Dreamstar, paws frozen. he sighed and fell into a deap sleep.


Dreamstar woke to see Ripplestar curled around her and her three-now two- kits. Dreamstar looked at Webkit and Fellkit, and realized that Webkit was also gone. Fellkit slept peacefully beside her aching body. She carefully picked Webkit up and placed her off to the side too. Dreamstar batted Ripplestar lightly, waking him. Ripplestar's eyes shined a dull light at seeing her awake. She saw that he was tired too. then he looked at what use to be two kits, and his faced darkened.

"I'm sorry Dreamstar. Mudkit died when I was moving you all into here. I don't know when webkit died. It's around sun-high. Ctas will be wondering where you- and me- are. I will take you back if you want. Do yuo want me to bury the kits first?"

Dreamstar nodded and wrapped around Fellkit as Ripplestar took out the kits one by one, and buried them. When he came back, Dreamstar was trying to stand. Ripplestar took Fellkit and let Dreamstar lean against him. He guided Dreamstar out and back to her camp.


Once there Dreamstar walked into the entrance, with Ripplestar closely following. Cats eyes him warily, then realized where he was. The clan started to murmur and shot wary glances at the two cats walking in. Then they realized that he was holding a kit.

Dreamstar walked to foot of the Star Rock, too weak to jump up.

"LakeClan.*cough*As you see I have had my kits. I had fi*cough*five kits, but two were born still, and the other two died during the night. Ripplestar was with me the whole time.*cough*I named my surviving kit Fellkit.*cough*I gave birth during a blizzard. As you see, the forest floor is carpeted with snow. I want to see Silverfanf. I may have caught White-cough, and I want to make sure Fellkit is alright."

Dreamstar turned to Ripplestar. He passed her Fellkit, nodded and walked away. Dreamstar then was led away by Silverfang.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Greencough! Plus Update! So read the Update!

Greencough as hit our camp! Two of our kits have it and FOUR of our warriors!

Hollyfeather was the first one to get it. She stayed in the warriors den for a while and spread it to her siblings, Rainwing, Stormshadow and Willowblossom. They are all currently with Silverfang and Snowshine. Hollyfeather is almost recovered, but Rainwing looks the worse. We will just have to wait and see. Silverfang believes that Hollyfeather, Stormshadow and Willowblossom just had Whitecough. But Rainwing for sure has Greencough.

Also two of our kits are sick too. Grayshadow's two kits Otterkit and Hailkit.Hailkit isn't that bad, but she is very young. Otterkit is very, very week. Grayshadow doesn't have enoguh milk to supply him with, and Grayshadow is starting to look a little sickly too. Hailkit has only Whitecough.

The four warriors that are sick are excused from their warrior duties until they are fully recovered. They shall also stay with Silverfang until they are recovered.

Also, I want some warriors to help Silverfang gather a lot of cat-mint. But not too much, because we will need some before Leaf-bare. Let's just hope it isn't destroyed by the frost.

A queen, not from our clan, was attacked a BlackClan cat! She is heavy with kits and the BlackClan cat attacked her across her belly! Silverfang help her because she is badly hurt.

I have aksed Rowanthorn to lead a patrol to where this queen was attacked! he knows the area where so he shall lead! I want Shinerain to go also. I shall not go because I am not fit. But I want more of the older warriors to go. Maybe some of the older apprentices too! But don't bring too many cats! it could be an amubush!

That is all.


I have just found out that Snowleaf has Greencough too! I know she is a queen but it will be best for her to stay with Silverfang until she is better. All the sick cats shall stay with Silvefang. That makes 7 cats that are sick! =O Oh no! I want Lilypaw, Dunepaw, Streampaw to go with Jayflight to get some cat-mint! Jayflight will know what it is!

*Dreamstar nodds at her nervous clan.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Lots and Lots of Apprentices

By naming apprentices we show that LakeClan will survive and remain strong. Foxkit, Pinekit, Hawkkit, Darkkit, Ivykit, Shadowkit, Dovekit, Spottedkit, Skykit, Berrykit, Silentkit, Thornkit, Dewkit, Graykit, Cricketkit. Until you have received you warrior names, you will be known as

Foxpaw, Pinepaw, Hawkpaw, Darkpaw, Ivypaw, Shadowpaw, Spottedpaw, Skypaw, berrypaw, Silentpaw, Thornpaw, Dewpaw, Graypaw, and Cricketpaw!

Raggedleaf, Swiftblaze, Swallowfeather, Thundersky, Shadowblaze, Windripple, Riverfern, Firetail, Willowmoon, Songbird, Flamestorm, Peachflower, Smokebreeze, Mothleaf, and Goldenstream. For all of you this will be your first apprentice!

Raggedleaf you shall mentor Cricketpaw.

 Swiftblaze you shall mentor Graypaw.

Swallowfeather you shall mentor Dewpawpaw.

Thundersky you shall mentor Silentpaw.

Shadowblaze you shall mentor Thornpaw.

Windripple you shall mentor Berrypaw.

Riverfern you shall mentor Skypaw.

Firetail you shall mentor Spottedpaw.

Willowmoon you shall mentor Dovepaw.

Songbird you shall mentor Shadowpaw.

Flamestorm you shall mentor Ivypaw.

Peachflower  you shall mentor Darkpaw.

Smokebreeze you shall mentor Hawkpaw .

Mothleaf you shall mentor Pinepaw.

Goldenstream you shall mentor Foxpaw.

Foxpaw! Pinepaw! Hawkpaw! Darkpaw! Ivypaw! Shadowpaw!
Spottedpaw! Skypaw! Berrypaw! Silentpaw! Thornpaw! Dewpaw!
Graypaw! Cricketpaw!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I got a new background as you can see! I really like it! I like the sides how it curves! Hope you like it too!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Dapplewing has receive a kit from Flamestar this morning. He will not tel me much except that there is a danger to LakeClan if Dapplewing tells me everything. Something also may happen to the kit. So for safety reasons I shall keep the kit in my den. NO ONE shall see or touch the kit, until Dapplewing tells me EVERYTHING. Because then i will have something to expect and get ready for. THEN cats may see the kit. But until then, no one may see the kit.

Also. It is the half moon!

*goes back to her den quickly*


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Sundapple has decided that she will be a warrior after all!

Sundapple. Is it your wish to become a warrior once again?"

"It is"

Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you to be a warrior and to serve your clan with your life!

Sundapple! Sundapple! Sundapple!


I have just heard from Silverfang about Sundapple! Sundapple has had her kits, but they all have died! They were already dead before they were born! that's why it took so long for them to be born. Sundapple went through much pain when she gave birth to her four dead kits. She can't focus properly anymore because of the pain.

Sundapple,is it your wish to give up your the name and rank of a warrior and go to join the elders?"

Sundapple-"It is."

Your clan honours you and all of your service you have given us.I call upon StarClan to give you many seasons of rest.

Sundapple! Sundapple! Sundapple!

May you rest in peace. You are still young, but I think this ktting has brought on many seasons of age for you. Let you rest in peace for the rest of your life. But if you ever want to go hunting or on a patrol, go right ahead because you are still in good enough health to do those activites.

Also. I will allow you to become a warrior again if you ever feel up to it. You are still young. So just talk to me if you ever want to become a warrior again.

Friday, October 9, 2009


ForestClan is being attacked! I want Shinerain to lead a patrl there! I shall not be going!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Okay. I am giving permission for apprentices to play their mentors, if their mentors do not come on! I am giving permission mentors to play their apprentices, if their apprentices do not come on!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Warriors!

We have more warriors! Six that deserve it!

I, Dreamstar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices.They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.

Reedpaw, Ashpaw, Duskpaw, Jaypaw, Silverpaw, and Dawnpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life?[ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!

Reedpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Reedpond. StarClan honors your passion and swiftness!

Ashpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Ashfang. StarClan honors your strength and courage!

Duskpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Duskfall. StarClan honors your
kindness and skills!

Silverpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Silvereagle. StarClan honors your loyalty and bravery!

Jaypaw,from this moment you shall be known as Jayflight. StarClan honors your intelligence for herbs and abttle skills and calmness!

Dawnpaw,from this moment you shall be known as Dawnfrost. StarClan honors your loyalty and kindness.

Dawnfrost! Jayflight! Silvereagle! Duskfall! Ashfang! Reedpond!

Monday, October 5, 2009


I have promised to tell you what is happening after the gathering. And I will.

But first after the gathering I left suddenly, I was gone all night. I went to the MoonCavw to see what StarClan have to say about what is happening, and if I could still be a leader. They said it was fine. Even though I feel awful, I feel happy too...

Okay! Now for the news...

*breaths in deeply*

I am expecting kits with...Ripplestar.

*Cats started to gasp and murmur to eachother. They looked back and forth at her with unsure eye. Then she heard a familiar voice. Dreamstar looked down to see Soaringheart limping through the crowd, sorrow in his eyes*

How could you! He is a leader too! That is even worse then a normal cat taking a mate outside the clan! But TWO leaders! What about me?*

"Soaringheart whsiepred and lowered his eyes as tears started to cloud his vision*

Soaringheart. I will always love you. But not in the way I loved Cloudriver, and Ripplestar. Cloudriver made me feel different then what you make me feel, same as Ripplestar. I will always love you, but in different ways.

*Dreamstar looked at her clan*

StarClan have said that it is all right! But there is a punishment for me! I am guessing that most of my kits will die. That is my punishment. You now know why I feel horrible! I never wanted this to happen! I tried to avoid it! But StarClan even told me that it was NOT my destiny for this to happen! But it was Ripplestar's destiny! So of course it would happen! I really tried to avaoid it! I am sorry everyone. Espeically Soaringheart and my kits.

*Dreamstar looked over her cln with greif*

But StarClan have spoken and said that I may still lead. So I shall. And does it really matter who the father or mother of the kits are! If they are loyal to their clan isn't that all that matters!

If you want Silverfang and Snowshine can go to the Mooncave and ask StarClan themselves, if you don't trust me! But I don't see why that is needed.

Don't judge me or my kits. We are cats just like you. So don't judge us.

*Dreamstar looked sternly at her clan. Then she looked at Soaringheart, and her eyes softened.*

I'm sorry Soaringheart. I really am. I hope you forgive me.*

*Dreamstar almost whispered, then sighed. With that hse leapt off the StarRock and walked to her den, with murmurs following behind her.*


Sunday, October 4, 2009


Tonight is the gathering! Here are the cats who are going!





Okay! Hose are the cats that are coming! Spiritsky, you are in charge! I will announce what I am going to say after the gathering. I am ashamed to be your leader right now. I am sorry. Let's go!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

GREAT news!

Grayshadow has just had four lovely kits! Two toms and two she-cats!





Let's welcome out new kits!

Archkit! Otterkit! Hailkit! Runningkit!

Friday, October 2, 2009


I am back. I am so sorry I have been gone for so long. But something...or someone....was attacking. I know who it was. Hawkclaw. I killed him before because he was a traitor. He killed my first mate, Cloudriver. He was a traitor. I killed him...I needed to have revenge. He was attacking me. Trying to kill me then all of LakeClan. He might still be at it. I don't know. I have some news. But I don't think now is the right time to tell. I'm sorry.
