Please read first post for a good bye

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Dreamstar walked outside into the clearing, Fellkit following. Dreamstar looked at Fellkit and sighed. His first time out of the nursery, and his father isn't here. Just then dreamstar saw Froststar and a group of cats come in. Dreamstar's fur went on end.

"What this Froststar? I would think this was a battle patrol if it wasn't for the kits you bring!"

Froststar looked at dreamstar with sorrow in her eyes. Froststar looked around at the cats gathering outside the den. One cat caught her eye.

"Dawnkit! Or..."

Dawnfrost's eyes brightned then shadowed over.

"It's...It's Dawnfrost now."

Froststar purred.

"You look great Dawnfrost. These are my new kits, with Frostmoon. Bluekit, Cottonkit, Foxkit and Wolfkit."

Dawnfrost nodded. Dreamstar narrowed her eyes as Moonflower stepped out. The other cats went over to Dawnfrost.

"Dreamstar. May I explain for Froststar?"

Dreamstar nodded and watched as Froststar walked over to Dawnfrost, her kits following.

"Our territory is being destroyed by Two-legs. So Froststar has asked if her kits could stay here, because we are leaving the forest. Well they are...I'm hoping I can stay here with Cliffpath, Rosesea and the kits. Rosesea is staying for the kits. For their comfort. Cliffpath is staying for the kits too. I hope I can stay too?"

Dreamstar's heart lifted and she started to purr.

"Of course Moonflower. You have been greatly missed here. Greatly missed. By me, I think the most. Rosesea and Cliffpath may stay too, and the kits."

Froststar padded over with the her group of cats following.

"Is Dawnfrost not going with you?"

Froststar shook her head.

"These are Dawnfrost's siblings, We came to say good-bye to him. But I think he wishes to stay. That is ine with me."

Dreamstar nodded.

"I named him Dawnfrost after you. So your name would always be with his."

Froststar purred and looked sadly around.

"Thank-you Dreamstar. But we must be leaving now. Good-bye Dreamstar.

Good-bye Dawnfrost and Rosesea, I hope you like it here. And lastly, good bye my kits. Oh and Dreamstar, Bluekit is blind. Rosesea will tell you more, but they are close to being apprentices."

Froststar looked at her kits with sorrow.

"Where are you going Froststar?"

A little white kit with a black patch stepped forward.

"I'm leaving Wolfkit. I have to. But you shall stay here. Where it's safe. I hope I will be able to visit you again, somesay."

Wolfkit wailed.

"NOOOO! I want to go with you then! Please?"

Wolfkit looked at her siblings, but they were all looking down.

"I don't think they want to come. I promise I will visit again, either while I am still leader, or in StarClan."

Wolfkit shook her head.

"I want to come with you. I don't want to see you in StarClan!"

Froststar sighed and swept Wolfkit over to the group of cats she brought.

"Very well then Wolfkit. But you might never see Bluekit, Cottonkit and Foxkit again."

Wolfkit nodded. Knowing that was the price. She nodded and said good-bye to them, then walked outside with the other SandClan cats.

"Good-bye Dreamstar. May StarClan light your path."

Dreamstar nodded and watched at Froststar walked away.


Dreamstar looked at  Cliffpath, Rosesea and Moonflower.

"Rosesea. You can take the kits to the nursery. Snowleaf can care for them. Moonflower and Cliffpath, you may go to the warrior's den and rest up."

Dreamstar walked back to the nursery with Rosesea following. She slightly heard Moonflower sigh in contempt as she walked ot the warrior's den. Dreamstar smiled and was welcome to Fellkit's curious mew....


☪Dream said...

(Also. Sunleaf you are our temporary head warrior)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Dreamstar - Here are the instructions for getting a three column template. This one works really well!
