Please read first post for a good bye

Friday, October 2, 2009


I am back. I am so sorry I have been gone for so long. But something...or someone....was attacking. I know who it was. Hawkclaw. I killed him before because he was a traitor. He killed my first mate, Cloudriver. He was a traitor. I killed him...I needed to have revenge. He was attacking me. Trying to kill me then all of LakeClan. He might still be at it. I don't know. I have some news. But I don't think now is the right time to tell. I'm sorry.



Brightstar said...

you are expecting ripplestar's kits. Aren't you.

Brooke said...

"Are you okay Dreamstar?" looks strange at her leader. "You seem... I don't know, er, what's the word... CRAZY?" trying not to offend her leader TO much, she took a mouse from the fresh-kill pile and set it near Dreamstar's paws. She turns and looks at Brightfire and her eyes grew big. She turned back to Dreamstar. "You aren't, are you?!"


☪Dream said...

I will announce what I have to say when I feel ready!

[Dreamstar snapped at Sunpaw and Brightfire]


Lightsparkle said...

* a tortoiseshell she-cat dashes in the clearing, and everybody tenses, thinking she is an attacker, when they see how wounded she is* PLease, Dreamstar, help us! forestclan is getting attacked by ScarClan!have mercy! *Cloverpaw collapses*