Please read first post for a good bye

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Is this... Love?

Burst stared at Ebonywing. The den was dark, and everyone was asleep. His brothers layed on either side of him, enclosing him, shutting him out from the one cat he wants to know. He got up and padded gently around his brothers, careful not to wake them or any surrounding cats. He padded over to her, nudging her with his paw. She opened her eyes quickly, seeing him for a second before he walked out.

He padded into the forest, his increased hearing hearing her paw steps behind him. His heart beat faster, and he shook his head. He spun around, racing to where Ebonywing was walking. He ran full speed, skidding to a halt in front of her.

Ebonywing took in a sharp in take of air as she found herself nose to nose to Burst. She leaped away, racing away, hearing him give chase. Soon she felt his breath on her heels, then he was running beside her. She looked beside her, and he wasn't there anymore. She narrowed her eyes, then felt him leap onto her from the other side. She gasped as they went tumbling down a hill. She laughed as they stopped, and opened her eyes. She found herself lying underneath Burst, him standing over her. She looked into his wide ice blue eyes, her heart beating fast.

Burst breathing in quickly, searching her eyes. A strong, strange feeling came over him. he lowered his head, letting his cheek brush hers. He felt her breathe out, and he stepped away, bringing himself to her again. He layed down beside her , his breathing coming fast. She put her head on the ground, closing her eyes. Burst placed his head down beside hers, falling asleep with her...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Good-Night, Brave Warrior

Dreamstar looked at Rippleblaze. He had muttered something.


He looked at Dreamstar, his eyes flashing in the low light.

"I-i think you should see one more warrior. He's dying. Nestflame thinks it's of a broken heart. I think he's right."


Dreamstar stopped, and breathed in sharply.

"Let him come in."

Rippleblaze nodded, and left, coming back a little bit later. A tortoiseshell tom leaned on his shoulder. Just skin a bones. Rippleblaze layed him down gently, then nodded at Dreamstar, before leaving. She padded over to the tom, resting her muzzle on his forehead.

"Open your eyes. Please, for me, Soaringheart."

Soaringheart's eyes opened, and he stared into Dreamstar's amber eyes, emotions flashing across both of their eyes. Soaringheart choked on words, and Dreamstar layed down beside him.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I'm sorry for doing this to you. I-i never meant to hurt you. I really didn't. I loved you- I love you- don't ever forget that."

Soaringheart closed his eyes.

"Dreamstar. I should be saying sorry. I should have still been here for you, to help you. But I fled in my anger."

She licked his shoulder gently.

"You fled not in anger, but in sorrow. You felt like you had failed me. You have no reason to say sorry. All if forgiven, it was a long time ago."

Tears slipped down Soaringheart's face.

"Thank-you. Can I... sleep here tonight? With you...?"

Dreamstar purred softly.

"Stay as long as you want. Good-night, brave warrior."

She curled around her dying mate. Yes, Rippleblaze was her mate now, but Soaringheart would always, also, be her mate. Soaringheart's breathing eased as he drifted into sleep. Dreamstar stay awake all night, watching him, until the sun rose, and Soaringheart breathed no more.


Sunday, May 8, 2011


Ridgefeather curled up next to Maple, her breathing steady in her sleep. His mind still whirled, though he had known for a while now. Maple was getting larger, and the two-leg seemed pleased, bustling from one place to another. He looked at Maple. Is this what I wanted? I had always wanted to be a medicine cat. I had never thought, or looked, at she-cats. They were just... any other cat. But now. I don't know. I... I love Maple. Maple wasn't allowed outside anymore, so Ridgefeather didn't go out either. He didn't want to risk running into Nestflame. Tonight was the half-moon though... and Nestflame had said Markstar was sick, very sick.

He got up stiffly, and padded to the window. It was open slightly, letting in the warm night breeze. He squeezed through it, leaped over the fence and padded to the MoonCave. Nestflame would be there soon, and they shouldn't fight at the MoonCave, the sacred place.

When he got there, he looked at the pebbles. Did StarClan still accept him as a medicine cat? No pebbles were glowing, and he felt himself become irritated. He growled lightly.

"I did not ask to be brought to the two-legs. You were going to let me die! You were these! I saw you! Was it really my time? How could you have planned that attack!"

He shook his head angrily, feeling foolish for yelling at the pebbles. He leaped over the stream and padded up the rock, waiting.

He needed not wait long, because moments later Nestflame padded in, a pebble in his mouth. He padded up the rock, his head down, not noticing Ridgefeather. Then, he lifted his head at the top and froze.

"Ridgefeather. What are you doing here?"

Ridgefeather dipped his head.

"I have simply come to see how Markstar is doing."

"You have no right to hear any clan business."

Ridgefeather bristled.

"He was my friend too."

Nestflame sighed.

"He's dead. He died a few nights ago. But, StarClan have astonished us. Dreamstar, she is back. Like she never died. Except she has nine lives again."

Ridgefeather stood stiff.

"I am sorry about Markstar, and it is odd that Dreamstar is back, but good I guess. I wish you luck."

Nestflame nodded, and sniffed slightly. He stiffened, letting out a low growl.

"Ridgefeather... how could you!?"

He took a step towards Ridgefeather. Ridgefeather stumbled backwards, the tag on his collar jingling.


Nestflame stared at the collar bitterly.

"You! She! She's... expecting kits, isn't she!? I can smell the scent of milk on you. How could you!"

Ridgefeather's eyes widened.


Nestflame snarled.

"Get out! This place is sacred to Medicine cats! Not Kitty-pets!"

Nestflame's voice was filled with bitter sorrow. Ridgefeather flinched back at the one word. Nestflame yowled again, his voice filled with anguish.


Ridgefeather lowered his head and leaped past Nestflame, racing back to his two-leg nest, tears filling his eyes.


Dreamstar yawned and opened her eyes. She stiffened when she felt a pelt touching hers, then relaxed when she saw Rippleblaze. His eyes were open, watching her, making sure she was actually there, and wouldn't jsut disappear.

"Is Nestflame back yet?"

He shook his head.

"No. He should be soon. How are you going to perform ceremonies? Grin can't do them, if he's not leader. StarClan won't accept it. We'll have to tell the clan sooner or later."

Dreamstar nodded.

"I know. But they just lost Markstar. Seeing me would be too much on them. We'll see what Nestflame says. For now, get Strongspirit, Grin, Everlight, Bluegaze, Grayshadow, Frostysky, and Silentecho. I think those cats should know. I trust them enough."

Rippleblaze nodded, and exited the den. Dreamstar sighed, slightly trembling.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

What is Everything Comong To?

Nestflame and Rippleblaze waited until all the cats had left to their dens to bring Dreamstar over to the leaders den. Dreamstar sat down, her pelt on end, dried blood matting her fur.

"How... did this happen? I just remember Cloudriver coming to me, and then going to this huge cave in StarClan... I met a cat there, Stillflame. He... I'm not sure. Then, I woke up here. It looks like a lot has changed."

Rippleblaze nodded, sitting beside her. Nestflame stood still.

"We can't tell the clan... not yet. It would freak them out. I'll go talk with StarClan, see what they have to say about this. For now, stay here and don't let anyone in."

Dreamstar nodded.

"What has happened while I was... ummm... dead?"

Rippleblaze smiled soflty.

"Lots. Markstar and Strongspirit became mates and had kits. Wanderpaw, Blazedpaw, Silhoettepaw, and Shatteredpaw. And she's expecting again. Can Strongspirit know?"

Nestflame nodded.

"Yes, she should be able to know. Only a few cats, so we can discuss."

Rippleblaze nodded and continued.

"Then, some sad things. Like, Ridgefeather."

Dreamstar tilted her head.

"Ridgefeather. He got his full name. That's great. Where is he?"

Nestflame ducked his head, and Rippleblaze cleared his throat.

"On the night he got his full name, they were attacked. They found Stormbreak, dead, on the top of the MoonCave. Then some unknown cats attacked them. Ridgefeather was almost about to die. But, he was brought to the two-legs. They healed him."

Dreamstar nodded.

"Cats attacked you... at the MoonCave. Is he back?"

Nestflame shook his head, his voice turning cold and bitter as he started to speak.

"No. I thought he was dead for moons. I heard nothing from him. Except about a moon ago, I saw him. We talked... fought I guess. He doesn't want to come back. He... he found love. There was a she-cat living with him, and he can deny it all he wants, but I could tell in his voice about the way he spoke about her. But... he was hurt. He wanted to come back. He would have if that she-cat hadn't been there! He's turned into a kitty-pet."

Dreamstar sighed.

"It's not your fault Nestflame. Maybe this was his destiny."

"I-I don't care. I failed. I thought he would come back. I've failed so many times. With Rosedawn. We were supposed to work together, then she found love too."

Rippleblaze shook his head.

"Then, later on there was another battle with BlackClan. Covepaw, Markstar's other son was killed as a new apprentice. But Erol, he drove Fierystar out of BlackClan and took over. Sunnyblade, she joined LakeClan and I heard she had kits with Erol. Icycurrent also left to go back to BlackClan, and Rosedawn just disappeared... So we don't have to worry about BlackClan anymore. Then Markstar grew sick... He appointed Grin as deputy, because he got a sign from StarClan. Grin found out that Markstar had been purposefully poisoned, and Grin should have been poisoned too. And you... sort of know the rest."

She nodded sadly.

"Can you bring him in here? I-i want to say good-bye."

Rippleblaze nodded, and went out with Nestflame to bring Markstar into the leader's den.

Dreamstar buried her nose into her son's fur, silent tears running down her face.

"Did I ruin his life?"

Rippleblaze narrowed his eyes.


"Did I ruin his life!? He was only 9 moons when he was made leader! 9 moons! He never got a chance to be young. Because of me. I took it away."

Rippleblaze shook his head.

"No Dreamstar... It was StarClan's choice. He did fine as leader. Sometimes... you could tell he would wish he didn't have to be. But he coped. He lived. He loved. He died. He couldn't have asked for a better life."

Dreamstar sighed and licked Markstar's fur gently.

"But he died so young... He was murdered."

Rippleblaze pressed his forehead to Dreamstar's.

"That is a warriors life. He's my son too Dreamstar. I'm going to miss him a lot too."

Dreamstar closed her eyes and curled into a ball. Rippleblaze brought Markstar back outside for the elders to bury him, then lay next to Dreamstar.

"We'll figure what's happening. We will."

Dreamstar sighed and drifted into sleep.


Ridgefeather lay curled on the couch when he heard Maple leap onto it. He opened one eye to see her sitting on the edge, her tail twitching back and forth.


He lifted his head, and yawned.

"Ya? Is something wrong."

"I-i'm not sure. Not for me, but... maybe for you."

He narrowed his eyes.

"What do you mean Maple?"

"You may not like it. Because... of what you are."

He blinked, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Are you hurt...?"

"No. Not hurt."

He stared at her eyes, they were filled with worry, but hidden behind that was excitement.

"Maple... what do you mean because of what I am?"

She whispered quietly.

"Because you're a medicine cat..."

At that he understood.

"Oh. Oh!"

Maple looked away.

"I'll let you think it over."

Ridgefeather didn't say anything, just watched as she leaped away.