Please read first post for a good bye

Friday, March 11, 2011

Jet- Part 6


A slow smile came upon Dreamsea's face. She watched as Jetblaze's expression changed from calm sincerity, to shock, to happiness. She looked down, not knowing what to say.


She looked up at Jetblaze as he spoke.

"W-why did you change your mind?"

She sighed.

"Because Cloudriver appeared to me. He made you, look like him, so I knew it was the right choice. Cloudriver was telling me what I could never figure out."

Jetblaze looked down.

"Who's Cloudriver?"

Dreamsea smiled.

"In my old life, he... I guess he was my first mate. But, that was my past life."

Jetblaze's eyes shot to hers, and Dreamsea took a step towards Jetblaze.

"And this. This is my future."

She took another step towards Jetblaze. She was close enough to hear his shallow breathing. She stood beside him, her shoulder to his shoulder, but so they were facing opposite directions. She looked at the rising sun.

"See that sun Jetblaze."

Jetblaze turned around to face the sunrise.

"That sun. That sun symbolizes new life. New beginnings. A rising sun is the start of a new day. The start of a new world. The moon gives way to light and life. To beginnings and endings. To a new start. A new day. A new... future."

She looked warmly at Jetblaze, and whispered softly.

"And this is only the beginning of ours..."

Jetblaze looked into Dreamsea's eyes, searching. He smiled slightly. He shook his head and laughed.

"No, Dreamsea. This is not the beginning."

She narrowed her eyes at him in confusion.

"This is more like the middle. Like, when we first met. Now that was a beginning!"

Dreamsea rolled her eyes.

"Nice. Ruin my little speech!"

She laughed.

"Come on. We should get back to camp. We've been out all night. And we'll have to go on patrol probably."

Jetblaze sighed, and together they padded back to camp. Before they got too close to camp, Jetblaze stopped.

"Are we going to tell anyone?"

Dreamsea turned around in confusion, and Jetblaze continued.

"Well... are we... umm... mates now?"

Dreamsea closed her eyes.

"Do you love me?"

Jetblaze nodded.

"I... love you. So, yes."

Jetblaze smiled slowly.

"But are we going to tell anyone? Like.. I'm not too sure if we should yet...."

Dreamsea smiled.

"My thoughts exactly! Come on. I'll go in first, then you wait a bit then come in."

Jetblaze nodded, and let Dreamsea pad in, then he soon followed. Dreamsea quietly padded into her nest, trying not to disturb anyone. Jetblaze did the same, and went to his nest. It wasn't that far away from Dreamsea's, and he sighed as he curled up. Dreamsea smiled, and drifted off to sleep before she would have to go on patrol.

(Sorry it's not that long, I couldn't think of anything else to write. :3 That is pretty much the end of that little writing series, but there will probably be another soon!!!!!!!!)