"No! Not her! You can't kill her!"
Break narrowed his eyes and bit into her throat, all the way staring straight into the tom's eyes. His eyes flickered to blue and the tom snarled.
"You! You're the one who almost killed me! You killed my father! And my mother too!"
Ridgefeather leaped at Break but he leaped backwards leaving Maple breathing shallowly on the ground. Ridgefeather advanced, his pelt on end.
"You betrayed us all! You killed, then came to the clan!? I heard you fell in love too! I wish I was here to see that! Just to tell that sorry she-cat what kind of cat you really were! If you're going to kill... do it quickly! I would trade my life with hers any day."
Break stopped where he was. Hearing Ridgefeather talk about Maple, it reminded him of Ebonywing.
Ridgefeather snarled.
"Give her back her life and kill me! If anyone deserves to live, it's her! I brought her here when we could've found new housefolk! It's not fair!"
This threw Break over the edge and he roared, his eyes now a glistening blue.
"Nothing is ever fair! My life has never been fair! You don't know the meaning of fair! I loved her! I killed her! Do you know how that feels!? To have the blood of the cat you love in your mouth!?"
Break towered over Ridgefeather, his eyes showing pure pain.
"I had no choice though! I have no free-will! If you say 'Break', well there goes my life! Everything I've known here seems to be thrown away! I can't control myself! Do you know how that feels? Sure, you might've lost someone you loved, but you never had to feel the guilt and blame of being the one who ended their life! Their existence."
Burst breathed deeply and he backed up, looking around the clearing that was scattered with bodies. Sear and Flare were staring at him, as were the rest of the cats who were left. Burst shook his head.
"This isn't right. This was never right!"
Then, he spun around and raced into the still flaming forest.
Ridgefeather glanced at Sear and Flare who's eyes were turning back to normal. Then he turned back to Maple.
She looked up at him, her eyes glistening.
"Ridgefeather, I love you. I'm glad I came."
Ridgefeather shook his head.
"You can't die! It should be me! Please!"
He lifted his head to the smoky sky and yowled.
"Why can't you switch my life with hers!?"
He then buried his head into her fur and sobbed quietly. He felt a tail touch his soldier and he looked up into Nestflame's face.
"Ridgefeather, she's gone. I'm sorry."
Ridgefeather wailed and licked her frantically.
"No! No please no!"
Nestflame leaned against Ridgefeather and slowly moved him away from Maple's body. The distraught tom weaped and buried his head in his paws.
"Ridgefeather, it's over. They're gone. They won't come back again, and your kits are safe."
Ridgefeather looked up as five apprentices came out of the medicine cat's den, looking around warily. Ridgefeather looked up at Nestflame, his eyes suddenly seeming older. The tom stood on shaky feet and stumbled to his sons. Crowpaw looked around at the cats left.
"Where's Strongspirit!?"
Dreamstar shook her head. She had lost two lives in this battle, and now only had seven.
"We'll find out soon enough where she is. We have to clean all the deceased and prepare them for vigil tonight."
She bent down and licked Fleckrain's ear.
"They were all so brave..."
She looked at the cats standing around her. Frostysky, Nestflame, Birchstorm, Sweetpaw, Featheredpaw, Grayshadow, Bluegaze, Ridgefeather, Crowpaw, Oakpaw, Ink and Rippleblaze. She nodded at them and they all got to work with grooming each cat's pelt of blood.
Burst ran through the forest and eventually stumbled and fell. He gasped and lay on his side, staring into the sky.
"Ebonywing! I never wanted this! Please!"
Then he saw a starry figure form next to him. He gasped and struggled onto his stomach.
"E-ebonywing! I'm so sorry! I never... This wasn't supposed to happen!"
Ebonywing smiled slightly.
"Oh Burst. You've had such a tortured life."
She shook her head sadly and Burst closed his eyes.
"Please! I want to go with you! I can't live without you! Ebonywing!"
Ebonywing tilted her head, sighing.
"You cannot. You are still living."
She ran her tail down his face gently.
"Then I'll die! Please! Oh Ebonywing."
"No Burst. It's not your time."
Burst stared at her as she slowly disappeared. He yowled then saw his brothers come out from the ruined land.
"No Burst. It's not your time."
Burst stared at her as she slowly disappeared. He yowled then saw his brothers come out from the ruined land.

Singe swallowed, his eyes heavy with grief "I killed her brother. Her whole family except those k-kits." he shook his head "G-good riddance." he growled, with no actual conviction in his voice
Frostysky bowed her head, wishing more than anything that she had her mate to lean against.
Nestflame padded up to her, his eyes soft "Frostysky..."
Frostysky shook her head "It'll be just like old times. The two of us."
Nestflame sighed "I know how much-"
"Just stop talking about it!" she hissed,stalking off in the opposite direction.
Birchstorm bowed his head, his brothers and sisters were all gone, his mate his kits, everything.
He set Fleckedpaw's limp body next to the rest "It's horrible." he gasped, tears threatening to break his eyes
Sweetpaw quivered, curled up in a ball "Mommy isn't here, and neither is her body." she whispered "We're all alone."
*Crowpaw licked her ear.*
We'll find her.
*He looked up as Dreamstar padded towards them.*
You are never alone. We're all family here. I lost most of my family too. Don't worry. We'll be fine.
*Dreamstar looked around. Her clan was so small now. She remembered when it was destroyed before, there weren't even as many cats then. She spotted Moonflower, dead. She smiled as she remembered the she-cat as a kit during the rat-attack. Dreamstar had almost raised Moonflower as her own. She sighed.*
So many have joined StarClan today! We hope to see them again someday, and we honour them.'
Sweetpaw nodded "So... we need to rebuild this clan, don't we? I mean... we need kits right? And queens. But how do we find them. How'd you do it Dreamstar?"
(Clarification: Her mother told her stories about the Disasters, so she's askin how she rebuilt the clan after those.)
Frostysky, her eyes heavy with grief, came to sit with the clan, she leaned against Nestflame, and didn't speak. She only listened.
*Dreamstar shook her head.*
It took a long time. And that was a long, long time ago. This clan has been through so much suffering. I was a lot younger than too. It might never be rebuilt to the way it was.
*She looked around the huge clearing, rebuilt many times to fit all the cats.*
With this little cats we won't ever be able to patrol the whole border. We'll make the camp smaller too. But first. I think we should all go out hunting. it's still a long time until moon rise, and I think we all need to get out. To see something different...
*She looked over the bodies again and closed her eyes.*
Come on. let's see what prey is left.
Sweetpaw followed nervously, glancing backwards "I haven't hunted much." she muttered "So I may not catch much..."
Nestflame nodded "I'd be happy to help with hunting, Dreamstar, but in the battle a lot of our herbs were destroyed, before I hunt, I should restock."
*Dreamstar nodded at Nestflame.*
We'll have to see if there are any herbs left. The fire may not have reached the island on the lake, and there might be some there.
*Her eyes flashed to Ridgefeather who was padding behind them wearily.*
Do you want any help collecting Nestflame?
*Grayshadow went to pad beside Sweetpaw.*
It's not hard. I'll give you and your siblings some pointers. We didn't get to train much before.
Dreamstar stopped again, and looked at the apprentices.
"As I understand, two of you are left without mentors. Since Grayshadow mentored Sweetpaw, Rippleblaze mentored Crowpaw, and Frostysky mentored Ink. You can still train your apprentices, as they need training. Rainingblaze had mentored Featheredpaw, and Fleckrain had mentored Oakpaw. You two will need new mentors."
She looked at the three warriors with apprentices, including herself.
"Birchstorm, you can mentor Featheredpaw and Bluegaze you can mentor Oakpaw."
She nodded, feeling pleased something was at least under control.
Birchstorm nodded, "Featheredpaw, come here, I'll teach you how to fish first, I doubt any prey will be left in this forest after the fire." he looked to Dreamstar "Should we try to hunt in the lake?" You could see this was something he was uncomfortable with, he was a good swimmer, but not as good as the cats that had been born there.
Frostysky nodded, padding over to Ink "So, we start at the Lake Dreamstar?"
Nestflame nodded "Yea, with the amount of herbs I'll be getting."
Sweetpaw smiled, though it didn't reach her eyes "Yea!"
*Dreamstar nodded.*
It'll be cold, but this ground is burning my feet. Fishing will be good.
Birchstorm nodded "Alright. Lets get to it." He took Featheredpaw over to the lake, the cool water soothing his burning paws, and soot-stained pelt
He bent down to take a drink "Thank Starclan this is still here."
Nestflame made his way over to the island, looking specifically for catmint, but doubting he'd find any
Frostysky went into the shallows of the water, motioning for the apprentices to
*Dreamstar looked at the water, and padded into the frigid water. She shook out her pelt, then she took a breath and dived into deeper water. She snagged a fish on her claw and bit into its head before coming back up. She gasped and padded back to shore, shivering slightly.*
Sweetpaw looked at Dreamstar in awe. She dived under the water, flailing her paws trying to catch a fish. She returned to the surface, smiling, but with no fish
Dreamstar smiled.
"It takes practice. Though try to stay dry for now. We still have lots to do."
Lotusmoon padded throughout the thick forest, her footsteps heavy as a result of her long journey. She kept on with the intent of reaching her destination as soon as possible. A few minutes later she caught the scent of a territory marking. Joy and relief flooded through her. "LakeClan..." she whispered as she breathed it in, familiarizing herself with the scent.
She stepped over the border. "Now, I suppose I should go to the lake in the center of the territory first. I'll be sure to meet up with a LakeClan cat there" the she-cat mewed brightly to herself as she often did when making choices. She felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders, replaced with her excitement.
As she trod towards the lake, she thought back on her past. Her whole life her mother raised and taught her as if she had belonged to a Clan. Days after she had finished strict training and received her Warrior name of Lotusmoon, her mother had sent her out to locate and join LakeClan. "It is your destiny to go and help rebuild the soon-to-be ravaged Clan, for self-sacrifice is your path...follow the grace of the lotus and light of the moon to undo what has been broken" were her mother's last words to her. It had been almost a moon since then.
Lotusmoon finally saw a shimmer of light between the trees far ahead of her. As she studied it, she realized it was part of the lake. Strength renewed again, she raced toward it as fast as possible, tearing herself from her memories and back to the task at hand.
(To Dream and Dawnfeather: I'm making Birchy see her, is that okay?)
Birchstorm was teaching Featheredpaw how to catch fish when he saw a white she-cat approaching. He told Featheredpaw to continue trying, he confronted the she-cat, not getting close. She could've been hostile and there were apprentices to protect
"Who are you, what are you doing here?" he ignored the clans obvious weakness, pretending this was simply a patrol
"Are you aware that you are trespassing on clan territory?"
Nestflame beckoned over Ridgefeather, "Would you help me collect the basic herbs we used to use? We definately need cobwebs, lavender, catmint, mallow, anything else you can find. Maybe poppy seeds." he took a shaky breath
"I'm sorry from pulling you from your warrior duties, but I need help. Your the only one trained to..."
His tried to keep his eyes dim, guarded, but the pain was obvious "I'm sorry. About her... she was... a good cat. She didn't deserve to go like that. None of them did."
His breathing was shallow, and strained, like he was in a great amount of pain, though none of his injuries were life-threatening "I never really understood how... how much you loved her. Until... the very end.
I was ignorant. I know the code is so rarely upheld, well in this clan anyway..."
He took a deep breath, realizing he was babbling
"I just..."
He couldn't find the right words.
"I missed you."
*Dreamstar's head snapped up and looked at Birchstorm approaching the she-cat. Dreamstar bounded over to pad up behind Birchstorm.*
*Ridgefeather looked away.*
I never meant to fall in love. But you can't stop destiny. She helped me survive with the two-leg's, she's the only thing that made it bearable. I think I would've gave up without her.
There may not be many herbs, especially since it's Leafbare. This was not a good time for an attack.
Nestflame sighed "Exactly why they did." he shivered "Those eyes haunted me for moons, and I never knew... I should have"
He looked at Ridgefeather, a grim smile on his face "I... I know, but I felt so... betrayed. Like I somehow drove you away."
Ridgefeather nodded.
"They hid their selves... And it wasn't your fault. I stayed because I wanted to."
"I am Lotusmoon. I have come from far away to join this clan. My mother trained me as a Clanborn apprentice would have been and versed me in the ways of the Warrior code. I am assuming you are in need of more Warriors after the recent attack, are you not?" she mewed in a serious tone. Her icy blue eyes pierced Dreamstar and Birchstorm, though not in an unfriendly way. Her stare seemed too knowing for her age however, as her gaze flicked back and forth between the two cats, awaiting a response.
(Note: Lotusmoon's eyes just have a natural sharp, coldness to them. Her usual cheerful mood always makes them look less hostile and brighter, but when she's serious or angry she can tend to seem sly or like she's hiding something)
Dreamstar narrowed her eyes.
"How do you know that we were attacked?"
She studied the white she-cat, and she heard Rippleblaze pad up beside her. He walked with a limp, and couldn't put much pressure on his back leg, but at least he could walk. His pelt still showed the gray scars from when he was attacked. She looked back at the she-cat with the blue eyes.
Frostysky, notciing the sudden commotion told the apprentices to stay back, sitting with them, watching the she-cat with great intrest
Birchstorm went on offence, crouching "Are you one of those traitors helpers?! Come to finish us of have you?" he growled in an accusatory tone
(Ah te old Birchy is back <3)
"Ash, do you hear that?" Ivy's ears pricked up at the sound of irritated meowing.
"What?" Her brother sat up straight from their lazy nap and looked around, quickly. "Is it those cats that we scented?"
"You mean that weird smell? Yeah, maybe..." Ivy's head tilted to the side, thinking. The realization hit her hard. "Ash! That... those could have been scent markers! Maybe there's a group of cats that live here."
Ash's eyes went wide. "And we're trespassing on their territory. We'd better go, Ivy. Don't wanna get caught like last time."
Ivy grimaced as she remembered the time she and Ash accidentally ventured into a former kittypet's "territory", and found out the hard way that some kittypets weren't as soft as they sounded. But she couldn't give up the abundance of prey they had suddenly found here. "But, Ash... if we could become allies with them, we could have all this prey."
He sounded doubtful. "Ivy, I don't feel safe here. I feel like there's been some evil here."
Ivy snorted. "You don't believe in that 'evil presence' mousedung, do you? Come on, it won't be too--"
Ashpaw had slapped his tail over her mouth. "Shh. They've scented us," he whispered urgently, and Ivy shrank back into the brush.
Indeed, Ivy heard a "there's someone here!" from somewhere ahead of her. "Mousedung," she cursed again, under her breath.
*Crowpaw sniffed the air, and looked around.*
I smell more cats!
*He padded off in the direction of the two cats. Grayshadow hissed and bounded after him. Crowpaw stopped as he noticed fur caught on the burnt branches.*
Who's there!?
*grayshadow padded up behind him.*
You shouldn't just wander off like that!
*Crowpaw rolled his eyes.*
Sweetpaw ran over to join her brother "He's right! More cats are coming!" she leaped with joy "Maybe they're coming to join the clan!!"
*Grayshadow shot the two apprentices a look.*
Or they could be cats trying to take advantage of us. We aren't protected right now. Before we had the safety of our numbers, now, we can't even patrol our whole border!
*grayshadow looked across the burned ground.*
Is anyone there?
Sweetpaw cringed "Why are we thinking so negative!? That Lotusmoon cat seems nice, why won't these cats?!" she looked to Crowpaw "Right?"
Lotusmoon may be faking. We have to be careful.
*Crowpaw shrugged*
I don't know
Sweetmoon sighed "Alright...." her face fell "Can't we assume the good?"
Not everyone is good, Sweetpaw. Look at what happened with the three warriors we trusted?
*Grayshadow spoke quietly.*
We trusted the wrong cats. Sometimes if you trust blindly, it will be okay, but other times...
*She shook her head and sighed.*
*Crowpaw looked at Sweetpaw.*
I say we still meet them!
Sweetpaw looked down "B-but those were only three cats... right?"
Nestflame looked at Ridgefeather "What's it like... being in love i mean."
Grayshadow nodded.
"But three cats who manipulated us."
Ridgefeather shook his head.
"It's just... like you aren't your own anymore. Like the other cat has that other half of you."
"All cats... aren't like that... I'm not like that... am I?" her blue eyes shone with sadness "No... I'm not... I don't like killing. Did those cats kill daddy too?"
"You were clan born Sweetpaw. It's different. Strongspirit and Markstar were noble warriors."
Grayshadow sighed.
"W-we're not sure. He was... poisoned."
"I wish I knew what that was like..." Nestflame sighed wistfully "But it's my destiny to remain faithful to the medicine t position, until the day I die."
He looked down at his paws, his tail twitching
Ridgefeather shook his head.
"No, you don't want to know what it's like. Because when you lose them, it's like losing half of yourself. It's not nice."
"But, you're left being a better person, and you'll never forget them," Nestflame sighed "You're right... I guess love is over-rated... how are your um... sons?"
"By what though?" Sweetpaw gazed up into Grayshadow's eyes
"What you're left with is sorrow, regret, longing."
He looked up at Nestflame.
"They're fine."
She closed her eyes.
"We never found out."
Sweetpaw shook "Was I born then?"
Nestflame shook his head "So, you're not returning to the path of a medicine cat... are you?"
His clear blue eyes look strained, filled with obvious pain and anger that had been boiling in him for a long time
She shook her head.
No. Strongspirit had just found out she was expecting.
He sighed.
"I can't."
Nestflame shrugged "And why not?" he already knew the answer though
"I-i never met him..." Sweetpaw looked down "Oh."
She put her tail lightly on Sweetpaw's shoulder.
"He's always watching you from StarClan. Looking out for you, guiding you. He was young for a leader. 9 moons. I don't know how he was able to lead, but he had knowledge beyond his age."
"Because I broke the code. And I have my sons to look out for."
"I... just wish I was able to meet him." Sweetpaw looked down
Nestflame sighed and nodded "I have no idea who I'll choose as an apprentice... but we don't even have a deputy."
He coughed, shuffling his paws
"I know. But you'll see him someday in StarClan."
"You don't have to have an apprentice right away. I bet Bluegaze, Birchstorm or Frostysky will be deputy. But there are only a few cats."
"It's been moons since I've had an apprentice, but I'm just not ready for one. And yes, any cat would make an outstanding deputy... even you."
Sweetpaw nodded "I look forward to that day."
He shook his head.
"I would never be chosen. I don't even know where my loyalties lie. She didn't even give me an apprentice."
Grayshadow looked alarmed.
"You shouldn't look forward to death. You should live a long, nice life before that. You're all too young to have lost so many already. Hopefully someday you'll find a nice mate and have a family. I did, despite everything that happened to me."
Sweetpaw sighed "But... it feels so wrong, no one else lived... how did we?"
Nestflame smiled
"I never said that you'd be chosen. Only that you would make an outstanding deputy."
"I don't know how, but consider it to be destiny. It was meant to happen."
"Well, then you're not right."
Nestflame shrugged "Think what you will."
"Like... a prophecy?" Sweetpaw tilted her head
"I will, because trust me, I would make a horrible deputy. I already made a horrible medicine cat, then a horrible mate cause I couldn't even protect her."
She shook her head.
"No, just StarClan's plan for you."
"So... StarClan controls us... so they controlled the cats that killed us..."
"You're also loyal, dedicated, and willing to give your life up for someone you loved."
"No Sweetpaw. StarClan watch us and guide us, and we ultimately choose our own path. The Place of No Stars controlled the three."
Ridgefeather sighed.
"I abandoned my clan, Nestflame. That's not exactly loyal."
"Thats a bad place? Where bad cats go."
Nestflame sighed "But you were to Maple."
A light brown tabby made her way through the forest, tears clouding her vision. Each step away from her home was painful, but all she knew is she couldn't stay there.
Her neck throbbed from where the slimy two-leg had grabbed her, and her head was pounding. About to collapse she called out for help.
He shook his head.
"That's different then a whole clan."
He pricked his ears forward.
"What was that?"
She nodded.
"Yes. The Dark Forest... it's a horrible place."
"Did they go back there?"
Nestflame's eyes widened "I don't know, it came from over there. It sounded like someone was hurt." he took off toward the source of the sound
The she-cat, barely consious, saw two cats approaching "Help..." she croaked, collapsing
"I... We don't know. They may very well be around."
Ridgefeather quickly caught up to Nestflame. He saw the she-cat and ran towards her.
The she-cat looked up, her face twisted with pain "W-who are you." she croaked
"Then why are we out here, shouldn't we be back at camp?!"
Ridgefeather pressed his nose to her shoulder.
"Nestflame, we need herbs. She's hurt and she's expecting."
"We have no camp Sweetpaw. The fire destroyed it. It's no safer there then it is here."
"Oh..." Sweetpaw blinked "Where will we sleep!? I'm-" she yawned "Tiiired."
Nestflame nodded, and turned to go look "Keep her talking. I don't know the extent of her wounds. Get some background on her."
That's for Dreamstar to decide. We still have to bury our clanmates.
Ridgefeather nosed the she-cat.
"Where are you from?"
Sweetpaw shivered "My brothers and sisters..."
The she-cat coughed, blood spattering the floor "A-a house. It was disgusting... dirty." she went into a fit of coughs
"Lots of cats... the hosefolk, they..." a sob racked her frail body "Hurt us."
she tried to pull herself together, but her legs gave way and she groaned in pain
Ridgefeather placed his paw lightly on her side.
"Don't try to move. We'll help you. What's your name? How old are you?"
Grayshadow closed her eyes.
"My family is there too. My mate, who would have stood by me in anything. I know it hurts now, but it'll get better."
"I... know." Sweetpaw held back a sob "Who was your mate?"
"I don't k-know my name. We never g-got one, my h-housefolk d-didn't like me, only liked to throw me." she coughed again "I'm 13 moons I think."
Nestflame rushed back, "I grabbed all the herbs I could find, what do you think we need?"
her eyes softened as she thought of the cold black and white tom.
"We were so different."
"Well, you're the medicine cat. She's coughing up blood, and is too weak to stand."
"She needs Cayenne to stop her internal and external bleeding, cobwebs to help her cuts, goldenrod for the pain, she needs to be stable before we give her something stronger, and Thyme to calm her, her heart is beating to quickly, that could cause complications."
He looked at Ridgefeather "What did you learn about her."
"What about tansy or juniper berries? For her cough?"
He ran his tail along her back.
"She's 13 moons old, she doesn't have a name and she came from a two-leg nest where the two-legs hurt her."
"I forgot." Nestflame mewed "Of course." He busied about applying and giving her herbs, "And she's expecting correct? Ask her about her mate."
He turned back to the she-cat.
"What about the father of your kits?"
The she-cat coughed, blood coming out again "D-dead. But he only p-pretended to love me."
Ridgefeather nodded.
"Don't worry. It's okay now. Is there anything else you can tell me?"
"E-everyone was sick. They were coughing, and smelled bad... I don't know if I got it..." she closed her eyes "If I die..."
She coughed again, laying her head on the floor
"I'd like a n-name."
"You won't die. We won't let you. And you can pick your own name."
"I-i can?" She coughed "He always told me... I-i couldn't. Someone would give them to me."
She swallowed hard "Then, I'm N-nettle. Who are you?"
Ridgefeather smiled slightly.
"My name is Ridgefeather, and this is Nestflame."
He looked at nestflame.
"You done with the herbs?"
Nestflame nodded "Yea, they should begin to take affect soon."
He growled in frustration
"This is why I hate two-legs! We'll take her to Dreamstar, we can't leave a queen out here to die."
Nettle coughed, though no blood came "Ridgefeather... Nestflame... what insteresting names..." she mewed weakly
Ridgefeather nodded slowly.
"Not all two-legs are bad..."
He looked at the ground quietly.
"It's going to be dark soon. We have to go back now."
He looked at Nettle.
"They're clan names."
"Clan... I think I heard some cats talking about clans. In my..." she took a deep breath, trying not to cough "Old house..."
She stood shakily "I-i think I can walk
Ridgefeather stood up and helped her stand up, letting her lean on him.
"It's not too far from here."
Nestflame nodded "You're very brave Nettle."
Nettle grimaced "So, your... leader... is Dreamstar?"
Just taking a few steps made her pant
He nodded.
"Yes. She's a very good cat. Everyone in our clan is."
"Wh-what will you do with me?"
Nettle's blue eyes were wide
"You don't eat smaller cats like they said... right?"
He laughed slightly.
"We don't eat cats at all. If you want, you can join our clan."
Nettle's eyes brightened and she smiled
"If they're all like you two... I'd love too. I don't want my kittens growing up in that... house. Just to die."
She let out another hacking cough, but her entire body perked up
"Will your leader let me? I mean... I can't fight very well..." she looked down
(Sorry I haven't commented in so long... I couldn't the entire day.)
Ivy and Ash exchanged looks. "Er, as intruiging as your talking to each other and ignoring us is, could you tell us who you are?" Ivy asked boldly.
(*Ivy, not Ivypaw)
(sorry, they didn't see them, they knew someone was there, but they couldn't see Ivypaw and Ashpaw)
Grayshadow's head spun back to where two young cats had emerged.
"Who are you? This is LakeClan territory. Why are you here?"
Ridgefeather smiled.
"LakeClan will welcome anyone who needs help. Don't worry, you'll be fully welcomed. It may not be so great right now, as it's leafbare and most of us were killed... but when Green leaf comes and the forest comes back to life, it's great."
He looked at Nestflame and realized that he could see his ribs. Everyone was hungry.
(I apologize, I was at a hockey tournament my friend's sister was in and had no internet access this weekend!)
Lotusmoon blinked. "My mother told me it would happen, but she never revealed much of anything about 'the' Clan until I finished my Warrior training" she mewed. A sad look came into her eyes, melting her icy stare. "I-It wasn't my destiny to come before my training was complete...I hope you can understand this" Lotusmoon added. She lowered her head to Dreamstar and the others to signal her regret on the matter.
Dreamstar lifted her head.
"I suggest you tell the truth."
This lit a spark of anger inside Lotusmoon. "I speak with no lies" she sniffed sharply. Clearing her throat, she spoke again. "I suppose I can see why you might be wary..."
Lotusmoon closed her blue eyes in thought. After a few moments, she opened them and mewed softly "I swear by the honorable Warrior code and the ancestors of the Clans, StarClan, that I am telling you the truth. I can even recite my mother's last words to me before I began my journey. If that is not enough for you, explain how I can prove it to you and earn a place in LakeClan"
"I'm Ivy, and this is my brother Ash. We stumbled across this territory, you see, and the prey here is plentiful. We were wondering if you could let us stay awhile." The she-cat stated, staring fearlessly up at the older, long-haired she-cat.
Ash looked scandalised. While he knew Ivy was brave and incredibly blunt with her words, they were outnumbered by way too many cats and honestly, two seven-moon-old cats would never win against five older ones who looked like they knew what they were doing.
However, Ash was curious about their ways. They all held a sort of protectiveness for each other- were they related? He had never seen this kind of behavior. And what was this 'Warrior' business? He had never heard of it before. Were these forest cats a group of some kind, that called themselves Warriors? Ash shot his sister a look, but if she was also interested in these cats' strange ways, she didn't show it.
Grayshadow looked around, amusement sparking in her eyes.
"There's no prey here anymore. If you really mean no harm, then you can come with us. My name is Grayshadow, and this is Sweetpaw, and Crowpaw. Oakpaw, Ink and Featheredpaw are over there."
She flicked her tail to the apprentices.
"Follow me. But I warn you, if you try anything to hurt me or anyone else..."
She looked at Ivy and Ash.
"You will be driven far away from here. You are greatly outnumbered, so I suggest you don't try anything."
She started to pad back to where Dreamstar was still talking to Lotusmoon.
Crowpaw looked at the two new cats.
Dreamstar narrowed her eyes, and noticed it was starting to get dark. She looked at Rippleblaze and he lifted his head slightly. She nodded and looked back at Lotusmoon.
" As it is getting dark, I will allow you to come with us. Tonight we have to mourn our clan mates."
"Honestly? I don't think we can," Ivy rolled her eyes.
"Mourn your clan-mates? What do you mean? There are-were- more of you?" Ash's eyes stretched wide. Where he and his sister had come from, they didn't see cats that traveled in more than groups of seven or eight- a group of what looked to be thirteen to fourteen cats was way more than what he was used to. To think that there were more was quite unbelievable.
"I am so confused," Ivy muttered to Ash, and he nodded agreement.
(They're completely oblivious to clan life, so they'll need some explaining.
In a couple days, i think, I'll add a warrior to the clan as well.)
Dreamstar looked around to see Grayshadow and the apprentices standing there with two new cats.
"Who are they?"
Grayshadow dipped her head.
"They say their names are Ivy and Ash. They wish to join."
Dreamstar sighed.
"Fine. Where are Ridgefeather and Nestflame?"
Nestflame and Ridgefeather then padded in, carefully supporting Nettle between them.
"We found her. She's expecting kits and hurt."
Dreamstar closed her eyes for a second.
"Okay. Let's all go back to camp. The moon will be rising soon. As for you two."
She looked at Ivy and Ash.
"Our family were killed. We are the only ones left. You'll see when we get back to camp how many of us are gone."
Ivy and Ash exchanged wary looks. "How many, do you think?" Ash whispered to Ivy, and she shook her head.
"I don't know, but by the look of that grey she-cat... a lot."
Ash shuddered. "Do you think it had to do with the fire that we had to escape from to come here?"
"Maybe," Ivy shrugged. "Guess we'll find out."
Dreamstar padded into the camp and stopped, a shudder running through her body. She closed her eyes and took a breath before looking around. She turned to the newcomers.
"I am sorry you had to come at a time like this. To see all this... all this death."
Rippleblaze laid his tail on her shoulder.
:~~Dreamstar, Rippleblaze:
Nettle smiled at the she-cat, who was called Dreamstar, she dipped her head, attempting to be respectful
"I come from a two-leg house, though not a good home, I was hurt, and when my mate died, I left seeking shelter. Ridgefeather and Nestflame found me, and saved the life of me and my kits."
She looked down at her stomach and smiled, her blue eyes sparkling
"I would be honored if you would let me join you clan."
She took a deep breath "I have no idea how to fight, only from disputes amongst the many cats I lived with. We had to catch our own food there."
Her breath was shaky, and she looked at if she were about to collapse, she leaned against Ridgefeather, her eyes glowing with tears.
Sweetpaw bounced up and down happily, she ran over to Ash and Ivy
"Hi! I'm Sweetpaw, nice to meet you! What's your name?"
Dreamstar nodded.
"You will be fully welcomed. We won't turn down a hurt cat, or queen for that matter. My name is Dreamstar, and this..."
She waved her tail to the living cats.
"Is what is left of my clan. As you can see, the rest of us were killed."
Nettle's eyes widened
"How? Was it a sickness? That killed many kits at my..."
She hesitated
"Old home. And I'm Nettle,"
She let out a small laugh.
"I wish it was a sickness."
She looked at her clan, and her family. So many lay dead, and sorrow clouded her vision.
"We were betrayed. We were killed off. It... was horrible."
Lotusmoon dipped her head to Dreamstar, and followed silently back to the camp with the other cats. When they arrived, she listened as Dreamstar spoke about the attack. Then, she mewed softly "Fate can be cruel and definite. To lose so many...must be more than unbearably painful. But think, you cannot help wondering: maybe even those who caused this were also slaves to their fate."
Dreamstar looked carefully at Lotusmoon.
"They made us trust them, then they betrayed us and slaughtered us all! They had been wanting to do it from day one!"
Birchstorm nodded "Lotusmoon, you must understand, that there are some that choose to stray from their fate, and take it into their own hands."
He looked at her
"That doesn't always end well."
Nettle looked out in horror at the bodies "There are... k-kits!"
She was near tears as she ran over to the queens and kits laying dead
"Whoever did this should... just..." she shook her head, not even finding the words of punishment just enough
Dreamstar and lowered her gaze.
"There are not just kits, but my whole family, my whole clan that I've led for seasons. All destroyed so easily."
Ivy and Ash were too busy staring around at the dead bodies around them to pay attention to Sweetpaw.
"Great skies above," Ash whispered, and Ivy's leaf-green eyes blinked a couple times to try and get the thought out of her head before she turned to Sweetpaw.
"Ivy, and this is my brother Ash. And... er, why are you so happy?" She asked, straightforward as always. "Not that you would need reminding, but pretty much your whole clan just died."
Ash glared at his sister and whacked her head with his tail. "Sorry, Sweetpaw. Ivy's just being as insensitive as always."
"I didn't mean that their actions weren't despicable ones or that their destiny was set in stone and erased their murderous deeds. Choices are made, and though there are multiple paths...it can be difficult to find the right one after starting down another"
Shifting her position to a more comfortable one, she sighed sadly, looking towards all the bodies. "The sight breaks my heart, and so it must shatter yours..." she whispered to Dreamstar so quietly that the others may not have even heard her.
She studied Lotusmoon.
"I will never trust those cats again. This was my family, all I know. It's not fair that they all had to die. It kills me inside."
Oakpaw and Ink padded up to where Crowpaw and Sweetpaw were speaking with Ivy and Ash. Ink nodded.
Sweetpaw shrugged "I try not to think about it. I respect and miss them all... but I'll just be sad if I dwell on it, plus, you're new. I like meeting new cats."
She shuffled her paws, looking to Crowpaw
Nettle bowed her head "It must be... I can't even dscribe how terrible that is."
Birchstorm nodded "You're wise beyond your years, Lotusmoon."
Crowpaw nodded.
"We know we'll see them again in StarClan, so it's not as bad. It still is, but... at least their safe now."
Sweetpaw nodded "Ya. Just... I'm not used to seeing the clan so..."
She took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully
Ivy and Ash frowned. "StarClan?"
"What in the world is StarClan?" Ash wondered.
"Is it some kind of meeting place? Like this clearing?' Ivy asked. She realized that if she and her brother were to live here, they still had much to learn. Why did they have such strange names? Why this strange gathering of cats, that even in such tragedy, were so organized?
Crowpaw closed his eyes.
"StarClan are our ancestors. When we die, that's where we go. Medicine cats, the cats who take care of us, go there every half moon to speak with them. When a cat becomes leader, they receive 9 lives, and the ending 'star. We're apprentices, so we have 'paw. And kits have 'kit. When we're warriors, we get an ending that matches us. We believe in StarClan because they're always watching over us. And I know when I die, my family will be up there, and I'll see them again."
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