"Cats of LakeClan, tonight we will mourn for our lost, and tomorrow we shall bury them. We all fought bravely and valiantly, and the dead died fighting for their family. Because that's what LakeClan is, family. While we were out in our territory we found some new cats. We welcome Nettle, who is expecting kits. She will stay in the medicine cat den until the other dens are rebuilt. The main dens are still intact, so that will be fine. We also have Lotusmoon, Ivy and Ash joining us. Ivy and Ash, please step forward.
Until you have received you warrior names, you will be known as Ivypaw and Ashpaw!
Lotusmoon, you shall mentor Ashpaw.
I shall mentor Ivypaw."
Dreamstar leaped off the rock and touched her nose to Ivypaw's.
"I hope our clan can thrive once more. Let us welcome Nettle, Lotusmoon, Ivypaw and Ashpaw again."
"Ivypaw! Ashpaw! Lotusmoon! Nettle!"
"There is not much prey to go around, but the same rules still apply. Nettle will have the first piece of prey, then so on. I hope you can all show our new members around and teach them about clan ways. I have one last ceremony to perform."
She closed her eyes briefly, thoughts flickering through her mind.
You are a brave cat, and have been through much in your life. I trust you will be a good deputy."
Dreamstar dipped her head.
"If there are any wounds, please go see Nestflame."

Nettle looked around, all the cats were going about their duties, she was utterly tired. She padded into the medicine cat den, resting her head.
Birchstorm dipped his head, smiling "I will serve you well Dreamstar. LakeClan will recover, I know."
"Dreamstar, could I begin Ashpaw's training today, or do you have more important duties for us?" Lotusmoon mewed happily, eyes bright. Before the Leader could answer, realization struck Lotusmoon and she asked if Dreamstar could excuse her for one second. "Oh, and congratulations Birchstorm! You're one of the first LakeClan cats I met, and you struck me as good cat. I'm sure you'll make a great Deputy!" she called quickly to him, then turned back to Dreamstar and apologized. She waited for an answer.
*Dreamstar stood up on stiff legs. The sun was beginning to rise, and it would soon be time to bury all the deceased cats. She looked at Lotusmoon, her eyes seemed to be emotionless.*
Training... Oh yes. Start whenever you want. Take someone else out to show you the territory. Or, the part we're going to patrol for now. Our territories too big now.
*She pressed her nose into Prairefall's pelt. Then in turn, she did the same to Coastpebble, Spiritsky, Shrewpelt, Fellwave, Fleckrain, Rainingblaze, and Jayflight, all her kits and older brother. She shook her head.*
Lotusmoon nodded and watched sadly as Dreamstar bid a silent goodbye to those who had been lost. "If...If there are no cats who aren't busy, I'll just go to the lake. I know where that is and I can start with telling Ashpaw all he needs to know about the Warrior Code, StarClan, and our way of life. Then maybe we could get to fishing..." she mewed in reply, contemplating the options.
Frostysky padded over to where Falcon, Wrencall and Owlcall lay, her heart torn. "I don't know how I'm going to live without you." she choked out "I wish..."
She looked closely at Falcon's brown tabby pelt, which was moving up and down softly, she gasped "Nestflame! Dreamstar! Someones alive!"
Dreamstar ran over to Frostysky and looked at Falcon.
"Oh thank StarClan... Nestflame!"
Ivypaw peered curiously at this cat. "How is he still alive?" She wondered aloud to Sweetpaw, who looked positively ecstatic at the prospect of another survivor.
Ashpaw glanced up at Lotusmoon. "So, are we going to begin... training? What do we even do, actually?" He frowned, his ear twitching.
Lotusmoon smiled brightly, heart swelling, glad that one more of the LakeClan cats had survived. After a few moments she turned to Ashpaw. "Well, normally it would start with me taking you on a tour of the territory...but seeing as I'm new to the land as well that's obviously not an option. Instead we're starting at the lake and I'll tell you everything about what it means to be a part of a Clan. Then if we have enough time we can begin with hunting techniques" she mewed kindly to the young apprentice.
Ashpaw beamed at his mentor. He was starting to like her already. "Do we go now? Honestly, I just want to get the scent of death out of my jaws," he added quietly and truthfully, afraid of offending the other clan members.
Lotusmoon nodded. "I understand, but don't forget to be respectful of those who were lost" she whispered to Ashpaw. She quietly began to pad slowly out of the camp, signaling with her tail for him to follow. When he caught up and was beside her, she increased her pace. Finally, after bounding through the forest for a while, the two came across the silvery outline of the lake's edge. Lotusmoon raced forward and hopped upon a large, smooth stone. She sat and groomed her paws while Ashpaw settled near the base of the rock. When he looked to her, she cleared her throat.
"Now, in order to live as a proper Clan cat, you need to know our rules. So, I'll begin with our Warrior ancestors..." Lotusmoon mewed. She went on to explain the Warrior Code, positions and names of Clan cats, borders, patrolling and hunting techniques, and finally the Gathering and other Clans.
(Sorry for late reply... busy week ugh)
Sweetpaw looked stunned "L-lucky I guess."
Nestflame ran out, herbs in his mouth, he set them down in front of Falcon "This is all we have... I hope it's enough."
Falcon's head was spinning, his body was on fire, but he saw Frostysky and he tried to lift his head... it was blurry... words echoed in his head not making any sense
"Frostysky... are you... am I?"
Frostysky licked his head gently, and Falcon was at peace, he was still in pain but just being with his love made him feel better.
"I love you." he whispered.
Frostysky looked at Dreamstar "How... they killed him, right in front of me..." her eyes began to tear up
"I can't..."
She looked away, tears brimming her eyes, wishing her family could have such good luck.
"They must have missed the mark."
A gray/brown cat sniffed the air, his golden eyes sharp. The land around him was burned, and the ground covered with soot. He sniffed indignantly, and padded on towards the scent of death.
Frostysky looked at Dreamstar "It's unfair... I'm... I'm so sorry. I wish none of this had ever happened..."
She looked at Nestflame, as he worked on Falcon.
Falcon looked for Dreamstar, taking a deep, painful breath he tried to make his voice sound as strong as possible
"Dreamstar... I would like..." he took in a wheezing breath "A warrior name."
She shook her head.
"No, it is a gift that he lived."
Dreamstar looked at Falcon.
"Are you sure? You've lived many moons not wanting one."
Ivypaw shook her head as well, in amazement. "Great skies above," she murmured. "You clan cats are really incredible- and I mean weird, incredible," she said, before she remembered that she was now a weirdly incredible clan cat as well.
Ashpaw blinked, overwhelmed. "Great skies, Lotusmoon! How in the world do you remember all that? About positions, and patrols, and duties, and this StarClan, and names, even!" He gazed out on the open lake. "I don't know if I can handle all of it," he admitted to his mentor, the lake reflecting off his grey eyes.
She laughed. "It is easier when this is the life you have been taught. Don't worry, in time it will come naturally, but before that happens I can help you"
Lotusmoon cleared her throat again and jumped down from her place on the rock. "We still have time. Let me teach you some fishing techniques" she mewed. Coming closer to the water, she demonstrated how to avoid casting your shadow on the fish. Then, showed him how to quickly flick his paw so he could snag the fish before it was scared away by the movement.
Lotusmoon sat back and watched Ashpaw practice, correcting him when necessary.
(Lotusmoon is supposed to be trained in how to fish, but I don't know much about the specifics of "fishing". I'm used to "hunting" squirrels and mice in RoseClan ;) It's a bit of a challenge...I'll have to brush up on the techniques~)
Falcon laughed "I know... but almost dying made me rethink things... I have no Idea if I will keep it after many moons but I feel it's... right."
Dreamstar nodded.
"I'll hold the ceremony soon. First you need to rest."
Falcon nodded, groaning in pain, with Frostysky's help he stumbled into a den.
Nettle awoke, her eyes wide with fear. Her mate... he was in her dreams... in a place of darkness, he wanted her kits.
"Dreamstar?" she called, standing up quickly, her breathing ragged and shallow
"Is something wrong Nettle?"
The gray/brown tom stopped in front of a barrier. It was mostly burned down, but the scent of death hung beyond it. He then padded through a small hole in the barrier.
Birchstorm saw a tom enter camp, unsheathing his claws he ran over "Who are you and what is your business here?!"
Nettle forced her breathing to calm "Uh.... no... but you know those bad cats from the dark forest? Can a cat who wasn't in a clan go there?
I'm.... I'm not sure.
*The cat narrowed his eyes and bared his teeth.*
I suggest you sheath your claws.
"I suggest you tell me who you are." Birchstorm countered "I have to protect this Clan, how do I know you are not a threat?"
Nettle nodded "Um... I was just wondering." she took a deep breath, trying to steady her thoughts "I'm scared... I've never had kits before, I don't even know what to name them..."
Dreamstar smiled.
"You'll know once you see them. It's okay to be scared for your first litter. I remember mine, and I was scared."
In her mind she saw herself in the forest, with only Leaf-fall. It had been a warm night, and Dreamstar's fur had disguised that she was even having kits. She didn't want anyone to know. She had, but then Cloudriver had been killed. Leaf-fall had agreed to take care of them, and only her and Sparrowleaf knew who these kits mother really was. Once they had been born, she stared at them in astonishment. She had named them Coastkit, Prairekit, and Fleckkit. She had watched them grow up, and then she became leader, and was able to be the one to make them warriors. That was when she told them she was their mother. They met later in her den, and grew closer. She shook her head, shaking herself from her memories. She could see Prairefalls still body in the corner of her eye.
The cat smiled.
"I don't have to tell you anything."
"Then I ask that you leave at once we are in no need of any stupid troublemakers at the moment."
Birchstorm rolled his eyes, the nerve of some cats
Nettle swallowed hard "What if I do something wrong though. What if not having a father will ruin them..." she took a shaky breath, her heart pounding "When did you become this wise?"
The cat rolled his eyes.
"Do you really dare to call me stupid?"
Dreamstar smiled sadly.
"My first kits didn't have a father either. He died before they were born. They still grew up to be marvelous cats."
Even though they didn't have their real mother the whole time too...
"I've had many kits, and lived many moons. I've seen so much, have had three mates."
Lost over 18 lives...
"You start to get wise, I guess."
Nettle smiled "You're an amazing cat Dreamstar... thanks a lot."
Nettle looked around
"You must have lost so many... I don't know how you bear it. When I lost a friend at my two-legs house I felt like I was going to die with them..."
"Just tell me your purpose or be gone. I could get Dreamstar if you like."
She looked to the sky.
"I've lost so much family and friends. It does hurt... always does, always will. But I know I will see them all again in StarClan. They're all there, waiting."
"Dreamstar. What an unusual name. Let me guess, your name is Foxbrain?"
Birchstorm rolled his eyes "Think what you like, but your petty insults are more annoying than threatening. Do you want to speak to Dreamstar or not?"
"StarClan is r-real then?" Nettle looked at the sky, her blue eyes wide
She nodded.
"Yes. When a cat becomes leader, they receive 9 lives. My whole clan is now up there."
"I don't even know who she is."
"Wow... thats amazing. What are warrior names? Like... Birchstorm, or Nestflame?"
"She's our leader, you want to talk to somebody, talk to her."
Ivypaw shot Sweetpaw a warm smile. "Thanks." She paused, and looked about the clan. "So should we help or something?" she asked, feeling a bit guilty about standing around socializing when there were cats to bury, and dens to rebuild.
Ashpaw cursed under his breath when the silvery fish he flipped into the air landed too close to the edge of the water, and managed to make its way back into the lake before Ashpaw could kill it.
"Try to flick your paw towards you a bit more," Lotusmoon suggested, padding up beside him. "Here, look." She demonstrated a couple times before Ashpaw nodded.
"Okay." He prepared to try again, and this time, when his paw darted out, he made sure to aim further up the bank. It fell, bouncing slightly, and quick as lightning, Ashpaw slammed his paw back down onto the fish, stunning it.
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