*Dreamstar yowled for the cats to gather around.*
We have lost many lives! Ashfang, Smokesun, Skypaw, Gazedawn, Cedarpelt, Hailfall, Rainwing, and Willowblossom! They shall be honored by StarClan! We lost the battle, and I lost a life.
*Murmurs of shock spread through the clan.*
But I am still strong! We have a few more announcements, and much needed apprentice and warrior ceremonies!
Fallownose had her kits! She had six kits, two died, though we do not know why! Jayflight said the two dead kits looked perfectly healthy, and the same as the living kits! Anyways, she had two she-kits--Fallenkit and Cloudykit-- and two toms--Tumblekit and Shadykit--. She wishes to not say the father, and we accept her decision!
By naming apprentices we show that LakeClan will survive and remain strong. Flamekit
Ivykit, Peachkit, Sagekit, Larchkit, Poppykit, Molekit, Cinderkit, Waterkit, and Hazekit, until you have received you warrior names, you will be known as Flamepaw, Ivypaw, Peachpaw, Sagepaw, Larchpaw, Poppypaw, Molepaw, Cinderpaw, Waterpaw, and Hazepaw!
Runningshadow, Petalspots, Duskfur, Icewing, Foxwing, Pinedapple, Hawkbreeze, Darkpelt, Ivyblossom, and Shadowcurrent please step forward. Let you all teach your apprentice well!
Runningshadow you shall mentor Flamepaw. [Runningshadow and Flamepaw touch noses]
Petalspots you shall mentor Ivypaw. [Petalspots and Ivypaw touch noses]
Duskfur you shall mentor Peachpaw
. [Duskfur and Peachpaw
touch noses.]
Icewing you shall mentor Sagepaw. [Icewing and Sagepaw touch noses.]
Foxwing you shall mentor Larchpaw. [Foxwing and Larchpaw touch noses.]
Pinedapple you shall mentor Poppypaw. [Pinedapple and Poppypaw touch noses]
Hawkbreeze you shall mentor Molepaw. [Hawkbreeze and Molepaw touch noses]
Darkpelt you shall mentor Cinderpaw. [Darkpelt and Cinderpaw touch noses.]
Ivyblossom you shall mentor Waterpaw. [Ivyblossom and Waterpaw touch noses.]
Shadowcurrent you shall mentor Hazepaw. [Shadowcurrent and Hazepaw touch noses.]
Flamepaw! Ivypaw! Peachpaw! Sagepaw! Larchpaw!
Poppypaw! Molepaw! Cinderpaw! Waterpaw! Hazepaw!
I, Dreamstar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.
Beepaw, Reedpaw, Graypaw, Brookpaw, and Duskpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life? [ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!
Beepaw, from this moment you shall be known as Beefang. StarClan honors your courage!
Reedpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Reedtail. StarClan honors your strength!
Duskpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Duskrain. StarClan honors your passion!
Graypaw, from this moment you shall be known as Grayspeckle. StarClan honors your truth!
Brookpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Brookclover. StarClan honors your love!
Brookclover! Duskrain! Beefang! Reedtail! Grayspeckle!