Please read first post for a good bye

Friday, December 4, 2009

Big News

*Dreamstar limped in with cats supporting her on both sides. She walked over to the Lake Rock and stood in front of it. Cats were already coming out of dens, wanting to hear about the gathering.*

There is nothing new with other clans! Nothing really happened except we discussed that Leaf-Bare has come early! Other clan leaders were doubting our strength! Because of what is happening with my life lately, I got mad. I....broke down.....

I have had a lot of stress and sorrow! So I wasn't attacking the other leaders, but I was prepared to attack! Then I realized what I had done, and by accident, started to slip off the Great Rock. The other leaders tried to help me before I fell, but they didn't help me in time!

I fell from the top of the Great Rock, and fainted! I went into a black place....I then woke up, but I wasn't truly awake because it was only me and Bluepaw there... he told me something...

Dreamstar. The time to choose has come. To face the new and old. For the times of new and old to clash....

That is what he said... Then I found myself in a shining clearing. When I fell from the Great Rock, I broke my shoulder, as you can all tell. StarClan have healed it enough that it isn't permanent. But it will take time to heal. I shall be fine...

*Whispers of shock rippled through the crowd, as they realized what had truly happened in the shining clearing...Dreamstar nodded and had two cat help her to the leaders den with Fellkit following.*


Cherry said...

songbird ran up to dreamstar and said softly "it will be okay" and mintleaf and honeyleaf stood next to her.

☪Dream said...

(Finally! You haven't on in like FOREVER!)

*Dreamstar nodded blankly at Songbird and her kits. She was too deep in thought at what Bluepaw had said.*


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Hey dreamstar it's been a while so I forgot about making a three column template. I mean, I remember how to do it, I am just wondering will all the gadgets group in the center, and then you put them on either side, or will they all stay on the right?

☪Dream said...

They will stay on the right until you move them to the left. And PLEASE come on more! its been forever!