Please read first post for a good bye

Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Elder and Warrior!

 Swifttail is going to become an elder! She has agreed and feels as ifshe has done her job in this clan! She is now retiring!

Swifttail! Swifttail! Swifttail!

We also have a new warrior joining us today! let's welcome Duskfur! She will be welcomed greatly!

Duskfur! Duskfur! Duskfur!


Duskfur said...

Thank you Dreamstar for announcing my arrival at Lakeclan.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar smiled at Duskfur*

No problem. I'll have someone show you around. You can even come on the hunting patrol right now to see the territory also. Because I'm showing my apprentice the territory.

