Please read first post for a good bye

Monday, March 29, 2010


If you go to the bottom of LakeClan, there is a PLAYLIST!!! I added it ONLY for THEME SONGS! There are a few already, and it says for you. So go to it! I love Dreamstar+Cloudriver's! They have two. :) I don't have any for Dreamstar+Rippleblaze yet! Sorry! If you find anything that matches them, please do tell! I will give you a sneak peak and description of one song!

Okay, Soaringheart has You Belong With Me. This song matches him for when Dreamstar was going off with Ripplestar! he knew her better, true, and he thought he was better for her. His love life doesn't end exactly like the song, but it matches! Cause Rippleblaze where's high heels(lol, actually he WAS a leader), and Soaringheart wore sneakers(he's just a normal warrior.) But to be truthful, Rippleblaze(star) is better for her. :) :( Well, try to figure out the others!

Bluegaze has an *odd* song. You might not understand it, but don't worry! If you read the lyrics, it makes a bit more sense. :) But it's still a mystery! :D
*wink, wink, nudge, nudge, Ember, Dawnblaze, Delaney*... :D Well, please listen! it's at the bottom! :D


[Lauren] said...

Dreamstar, I'm not trying to get you mad, but Hawkstar of DesertClan was totally being disrespectful to your copyright rules:

Maybe you should settle this with her. (Don't worry, I'm on your side. She CURSED in her post!)

☪Dream said...

I know petalstar... she doesn't realize WHY I have them

MadiShae said...

Scarheart walks along the BlackClan border. She spots a mouse nibbling on a chestnut. She easily pounces and gives the killing blow when a shadow looms over her.


"Your a bit close to the border," Thornstar rumvles.


"Well, I'm still on our side of the border!" she snapps.


Without hesitation, he jumped onto her back, snapping it easily and giving the death-blow. "Show some respect for a clan leader next time," he chuckles, knowing he killed her for the pleasure of killing, as Scarheart lay there, twitching as blood soaked onto her neck fur.


✠Ember✠ said...

Luv the songs and *growl* HMMPH lol I understand the song but I have to wait to find out, don't i! (Bluegaze you know what I mean)

☪Dream said...

lol. yep, you have to wait until the SECOND battle with BlackClan! :D