Dreamstar walks into the clearing weakly. She is much skinnier. She walks over to the Round Rock and stands in front of it.
"All cats old*cough* enough to catch their own prey and enough prey for the clan gather here beneath the Round Rock!"
Dreamstar doesn't talk that loud. Cats come out of the dens. All cats are noticeably skinnier.
"The prey seems to be leaving quickly! I was just informed that the lake was already covered over with thin ice!*cough. Dreamstar shakes as a spasm of cold runs through her* I want all queens, elders and anyone sick to be fed first! Our kits are even skinny because we can not produce enough milk to keep them healthy.
I want a group*cough* of cats to go out with Jayflight, Snowshine, Gazedawn, and Silverfang to find all of the catmint and borage and any other herbs that will keep us strong! I want a lot of acts to go, some can hunt while looking for prey. You can also mark the borders. We do *cough* not want to appear weak to other clans! While they are out looking, hunting and patrolling, I want another group of cats to reinforce all of the dens! Inside and outside! There will be one more group! That group will be creating holes to store food in! I shall make the groups.
Looking for herbs, Hunting, Patrolling-
Silverfang, Snowshine, Jayflight, Gazedawn, Lilyfeather, Missingfoot, Larkpaw, Robinfeather, Petalpaw, Scarheart, Stormwater, Adder, Fallownose, Cedarpelt, Hazelpaw, Smokepaw, Ashfang, Goldenstream, Foxpaw, Moonflower, Honeystream, Spiritsky, and Sunleaf and Reedpaw.
Reinforcing Dens-
Silvereagle, Hollyfeather, Brightfire, Beepaw, Onecloud, Foxspirit, Driftbreeze, Swifttail, Spottedrain, Hawkfeather, Smokesun, Soaringheart, Spottedpath, Shinerain, Cloverpond, Sandfeather, Mouseleaf, Frostmoon, Ivythorn, Shadow-watcher, Raggedleaf, Cricketpaw, Silentpaw, and Shadowpaw.
Creating Holes-
Dawnfrost, Duskfall, Rowanthorn, Sundapple, Treebreeze, Hazelpaw, Icerivcer, Redfang, Bluefern, Fernpelt, Duneclaw, Streamfrost, Rainsong, Skypaw, Dewpaw, Spottedpaw, Hawkpaw, Pinepaw, Whitefeather, Flameblossom, Duskfire, Riverfern, Blacknose, and Rippleheart.
All the rest may join whichever group they want!! Get started!!