Please read first post for a good bye

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It seems that Ever is not telling us something! Snowleaf seems to know this, that there is destruction for the clan...but Everkit will not say anymore. Bluekit also seems to be in this, but Everkit has kept him quiet. I want some cats to check on Flint. Make sure he is where he should be.


Everkit sat at the entrance of the Nursery, scowling at every word said about her. Everkit looked around, making sure no cats were near by. Then she ran towards the entrance, ran through, but only to be stopped by the massive black and white tom, Adder. Everkit skidded to s halt and looked up at Adder. He was so much bigger then her. Everkit forced herself not to cower.

"Where do you think you're going? You're only a kit. You aren't allowed to go out the camp, until you are an apprentice!"

Everkit looked around Adder to see a patrol. Everkit sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to get around ALL of these cats! She was going to have to try pure force, or pleading.

"But I want to talk to Flint! I was left in his care!"

Everkit talked in a stern, whiny voice.

"Yes, but then Flint left you in OUR care. Go back into camp right now."

Everkit snarled and leaped around and ran back into the camp. She would have to find another way to get to Flint. To warn him...


Dreamstar watched as Adder came padding through the entrance. She had just seen Everkit try to run out, but fortunately Adder and his patrol came back in time to stop her. Dreamstar nodded to Adder as he passed to go to the nursery. Adder smiled weakly and continued on. Dreamstar realized that the only reason Adder was still truly in this clan, was because of Grayshadow. If she wasn't here, then he would have left a long time ago.

Just then Flint came padding in, Dreamstar saw Everkit smile hugely and start to pad over to Flint. Dreamstar growled and quickly intercepted Everkit.

"Everkit. Go back to the nursery. I need to talk to Flint. Everkit. Now. Or you will not be able to talk to him at all!"

Everkit looked at Dreamstar menacingly, but backed down and walked away with only one reluctant hiss. dreamstar turned to Flint. he was sitting down, watching Everkit leave with sadness.

"Why are you in my camp? We have kits here who don't know you! They could get scared!"

Flint chuckled.

"Calm down. I want to check on Ever. Is that a problem?"

Dreamstar growled.

"Yes it is. We will talk outside. Let's go."

Dreamstyar padded outside with Flint following...



★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Dreamstar - I, um, saw you have stars on the side of your name now like me... Can you please use other symbols or something? The stars were my idea... I usually don't mind people copying me but the stars are kind of special...


☪Dream said...

Sorry. I was just testing something! LOL!

☪Dream said...

and I guess I forgot to remove them afterwards!

Sally said...

Dreamstar! Contest results are in! Go to Treble Clef

Foxstar said...

Hey, anyone that belongs to HollyClan(ForestClan). See the latest post, and PLEASE respond to it.