I, Dreamstar, leader of LakeClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn the ways of you noble code, and I give
them to you as warriors in turn.
Clearpaw, Runningpaw, Spiritpaw, Windpaw, Thornpaw, Featherpaw and Spiderpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect and defend your clan even at the cost of your life? [ says I do]
Then by the powers of StarClan I grant you your warrior names!
Clearpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Clearbreeze! StarClan honors your stealth!
Runningpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Runningfleet! StarClan honors your speed!
Windpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Windfrost! StarClan honors your techniques!
Thornpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Thornear! StarClan honors your courage!
Featherpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Feathersap! StarClan honors your passion!
Spiderpaw, from this moment you shall be known as Spidernose! StarClan honors your bravery!
Spiritpaw, fromt his moment you will be known as Spiritmoon! StarClan honours your determination!
Windfrost! Runningfleet! Clearbreeze! Thornear! Feathersap! Spidernose! Spiritmoon!
By naming apprentices we show that LakeClan will survive and remain strong. Flowerkit, Mousekit, Stormkit, Frozenkit, Silentkit, and Flamingkit until you have received you warrior names, you will be known as Flowerpaw, Mousepaw, Stormpaw, Frozenpaw, Silentpaw, and Flamingpaw!
Foxfang, Grayspeckle, Falcon, Fallenstrike, Moonflower, Adder and Ashfall. Train your apprentices well.
Ashfall you shall mentor Flowerpaw.
Adder you shall mentor Stormpaw.
Foxfang you shall mentor Mousepaw.
Grayspeckle you shall mentor Flamingpaw
Moonflower you shall mentor Frozenpaw.
Fallenstrike you shall mentor Silentpaw.
Falcon, your apprentice, Sorrelpaw has passed, and you did not get to train her, you shall mentor Soul.
Silentpaw! Frozenpaw! Stormpaw! Flowerpaw! Mousepaw! Soul!
Falcon nodded, pain of Sorrelpaw joining StarClan. He was determind to teach Soul well
Frostysky purred looking at her kits, they were getting big. Berrykit was talking with Sky, Wrenkit, Owlkit and Rushkit were playing
Strongpaw closed her eyes. She hoped Sorrelpaw was looking at her from StarClan. She knew it was wrong to blame CloverClan. It was her fault, she should have protected Sorrelpaw
Fallenstrike looked dawn at his new apprentice.
"Silentpaw..."he looked a little of his brother, but had a secretive side to him.
Strongpaw sighed. She looked looked around for someone to talk to. She padded over to Markpaw "Hey," she smiled
*Markpaw looked up.*
hey Strongpaw.
Strongpaw smiled "So how are you?"
*Markpaw shrugged.*
Fine. Just a little miffed on how Dreamstar came back... but happy.
*markpaw smiled.*
How are you?
Strongpaw smiled "I'm great, but ya, that is kinda curious how dreamstar came back, cause she did loose nine lives, at least I think she did"
*markpaw nodded.*
Ya. Grayshadow would know. She knows like, every reason why Dreamstar lost a life.
Strongpaw smiled "Why don't we go ask her?"
*markpaw nodded.*
*He stood up, and stretched, before looking around.*
Strongpaw nodded padded over to Grayshadow "Markpaw and I have some questions,"
*grayshadow laughed.*
What questions?
*Markpaw looked at Strongpaw to ask first.*
"Well, didn't Dreamstar loose nine lives when she died? How is she back?"
*Grayshadow tilted her head.*
Yes. That would have been her last life. She lost her first life kitting. Her second life when she was taken by BlackClan with me and a few others. Her third life at the Gathering. Her fourth and fifth was taken by a Giant Cat at the battle at the Gathering. She lost her sixth life to Thornstar, when we attacked.
*grayshadow's voice lowered.*
Her seventh to Silverfang...
*Grayshaodw talked normal again.*
Her eight and ninth to Dewstar.
"Then how is it possible that she is alive?"
*grayshadow shrugged.*
I really don't know. Maybe she didn't lose two lives to the Giant Cat. Or maybe she didn't lose one to Silverfang. But I really think she did. I honestly don't know.
*Markpaw sighed.*
*grayshadow shrugged.*
I really don't know. Maybe she didn't lose two lives to the Giant Cat. Or maybe she didn't lose one to Silverfang. But I really think she did. I honestly don't know.
*Markpaw sighed.*
Strongpaw nodded "Okay thank you Grayshadow," she mewed looking dissapointed
*grayshadow nodded.*
*Markpaw smiled. Then padded away.*
Come on Strongpaw. So... that was a fail.
Strongpaw laughed "Ya,well at least we tried,"
"I guess. Whatever"
Strongpaw looked at him "We could ask Dreamstar herself. I don't think we'll get much though,"
*Markpaw shrugged.*
I don't know.. you can go ask. I'll sit here and watch.
*markpaw smiled.*
Strongpaw giggled "I think I'll skip that.."
*Markpaw laughed.*
Strongpaw laughed "Wanna go hunting or something? Now that our investigating is over?"
Strongpaw nodded and padded out of camp
*markpaw followed and ran into the forest. He half noticed that his brain had wandered to Wake, and he shook himself.*
Strongpaw looked at him "Is something wrong?"
Soul was excited she was an apprentice at last.
I kept my name just for you, Chirp. she said, remebering it was Chirp that named her. And Chirp that brought her to Lakeclan in the first place.
*markpaw lookd at Strongpaw.*
Oh... umm.. No. Nothing.
(she should scent Wake. XD )
Strongpaw tilted her head the sniffed scenting for prey, then she froze "I smell a loner on out territory,"
*Markpaw stiffened.*
Soul padded over to Falcon. "What should we do first?" she asked excitedly, with Silentpaw and Frozenpaw only foxlength or to behind.
(haha bodyguards XD)
"A Loner!" Strongpaw growled
*markpaw laughed slightly.*
Hehe... I don't smell anything...
*He recognized Wake's scent though.*
"Well then you can stay here I'm going to chase that loner off our territory!"
Falcon smiled "i Could take you on a tour of the terriotry,"
*Markpaw's eyes widened.*
No! They're probably passing through. We should... just leave it.
Strongpaw began to follow the scent "Well then lets help them on their way, the sooner they are out of here the better,"
*Markpaw twitched slightly.*
No really. I think it'd be better if we left the loner alone... They like it that way.
Strongpaw tilted her head "How do you know they like it that way?"
*markpaw stiffened.*
Cause... uh... they are called LONErs....
"Riiight, whatever, Markpaw, I gotta check this out. I won't be doing my best for LakeClan if i don't"
*Markpaw tried to find some way to stop her.*
No! Let me go... start hunting. I'll chase them off....
"That sounds great!" Soul said.
Strongpaw smiled "I see what your trying to do. Your not gonna get all the fun while I'm hunting, I'll go with you,"
Falcon smiled "Come on, I'll show you around," he padded out of camp
*Markpaw responded too quickly.*
NO! Driving off a loner isn't that fun, that's why I'm letting you hunt.
"Markpaw, your acting a but weird. Maybe you should go back to camp, I'll take care of the loner..."
Soul nodded, and followed him out.
Even though I already know my way around... kinda. she snickered in her mind.
*Markpaw shook his head.*
I'm fine, seriously. Just let me drive h-the loner off.
"I want to do it too, Markpaw, please,"
*Markpaw sighed, and looked around.*
Strongpaw, just... follow me. Don't do anything until I tell you too...
Strongpaw tilted her head, but followed
*Markpaw stalked through the undergrowth, until he saw Wake. he signaled for Strongpaw to wait. Then he hurried over to her.*
Wake. You gotta keep a lower profile! You'll be driven out!
*Wake rolled her eyes.*
Who's with you?
*Markpaw looked behind him.*
A cat who wanted to drive you out. You're meeting her. She;s just a friend.
*Wake flattened her ears to her head, but didn't protest.*
S-strongpaw... you can come out.
"So where to first?" she asked falcon.
Strongpaw took a step out "Markpaw, you know these cats?"
(there's only one cat. Wake. XD )
*Markpaw sighed.*
This is Wake, and yes. I know her.
(oops sorry i mean this cat***)
Strongpaw nodded "Hello, Wake, I'm Strongpaw, nice to meet you,"
*Wake narrowed her eyes.*
Strongpaw looked toward Markpaw feeling awkward
*Markpaw shrugged.*
This is why I didn't want you to chase her out... I know her. She lives on our territory, but doesn't hunt our prey.
*Wake rolled her eyes.*
"Ahh, okay, um, Sorry Wake."
*Wake narrowed her eyes.*
*markpaw sighed. Wake was in one of her moods*
Uhh... we better go hunt... Come on Strongpaw...
Strongpaw nodded looking at Wake "Um nice meeting you, Wake,"
she padded out quickly
*Wake rolled her eyes, and muttered.*
*Markpaw sighed as he padded away.*
Strongpaw turned to Markpaw "You have an... interesting friend," she mewed.
*Markpaw smiled, and laughed.*
*But inside, Markpaw knew his feelings for Wake were more then just "a friend".*
"So, should we fish or hunt?'
*He shrugged.*
Fish. I feel like diving... let's go to the lake, and fish there. There's some really large fish deeper down. If you can make it down. Since you're not LakeClan blood.
*Markpaw smirked.*
The smile on Strongpaw's face faded she padded silently over to the lake padding in
*Markpaw laughed. He ran after her, splashing into the lake, covering Strongpaw with water.*
Strongpaw half-smiled, "I might not be lakeclan blood, but lakeclan is my home, the only home i know, and will ever know," she spun around in the water purring
*Markpaw laughed, and swam farther into the water. *
Though, can you see underwater?
*he took a very large breath, and dived under.*
Strongpaw followed him. Her vision was okay, though things were kinda fuzzy. She swam along wishing she had real LakeClan blood,
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