Also is Grayclaw really dead?No.But barely alive.When we went to take her body,she was just barely breathing.Blurstar just missed the death blow,to the throat.We did not kill her,because the warrior code says to not kill any cat unless your own life is in danger.Right now she is being cared for by Hollyfern and Songpaw.She will never be able to do any real harm,because she can not move her front paw.She shall stay as prisoner.Once she is feeling well enough,and able to come out of Hollyfern's den,she will go to the elders den.Even though she told Blurstar our news and problems,she can not do anything any more.Once she goes to the elders den,I will get one cat to guard her.Once I trust her enough,she shall have no guards.That is all.Thank-you.
Hmm, this is very well, but why did Blurstar try to kill her? Wasn't she part of KillClan?
Hello, do you think I might be able to join? My name is Rainfire and I am a warrior she-cat... This is my picture... http://picasaweb.google.com/horseFeathersPhotography/PhotographyByOliviaCollins#5350482916464148418
Whoops... actually, I would like to join as Runningheart, a she-cat, medicine cat or medicine cat apprentice plz: http://picasaweb.google.com/FeathersOfTheHawk/SunClan#5350489947834939202
Yes, Grayclaw did nothing to her, right?
Okay I will add you as medicine cat apprentice.We already have an apprentice,but she never comes on.So do you want to be Runningheart or Runningpaw,right now?
Good for you for not killing Grayclaw! She will hopefully survive and live as a loner.
I would like to be Runningpaw at current point, I'd be really excited to have a ceremony! Do you think you might be able to use this pic instead? http://picasaweb.google.com/FeathersOfTheHawk/FeatherClan?authkey=Gv1sRgCOiK8ri6gsOXSQ#5350508483454006338 Sorry for any inconvenience.
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