Please read first post for a good bye

Friday, June 5, 2009

Abandoned Barn(No one comments here, except for me and Silverstar)


This is where Soaringheart and Silverfang are staying. Only these two may comment here. No one else!! 


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverfang and Soaringheart paused at at the LakeClan border. They were just about to enter StormClan territory. Silverfang checked the scent, and then, with a nod towards Soaringheart, scampered across the border. The two had chosen to take the shortcut directly though StormClan territory, instead of risking taking the long way around and running into ClawClan or DeathClan. They had reason to beleive that, if caught, StormClan's warriors would be much easier to deal with than those of the lawless enemy Clans.

They raced through the territory, and though they were out of breath by the time they finally came to the broken down doors of the barn, neither of them had seen a single sign of StormClan patrols. This rather surprised Silverfang, who was aware that StormClan weren't the type to slack on patrols, but then she remembered that Silverstar had mentioned something about expanding camp at the last Gathering.

Soaringheart checked the scent around the barn to make sure it wasn't occupied while Silverfang kept a lookout. Suddenly, she caught a strange scent on the breeze. "Soaringheart!", she whispered urgently, crouching down as the tabby tom came running towards her and did the same. She flicked her ears towards the meadow in the back half of StormClan territory. A dark gray tom was speaking to a tabby and white she-cat, though they were too far away to be heard by the two former LakeClan cats. Silverfang's eyes widened. "I think those are the leaders of DeathClan and ClawClan! What are they doing on StormClan's territory?"

~~Silverstar (Silverfang)

☪Dream said...

*Soaringheart's eyes narrowed.*

I don't know. Maybe they were stealing prey. I don't think we could do anything anyways. Unless we wanted to get involved...

*Soaringheart shook his head.*

We need to make sure we don't get spotted, so I think we should keep a close eye on them.

*Soaringheart looked over to Silverfang and purred.*


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverfang flattens her ears in disgust. "I hate prey-stealers!", she spat. But then she sighed, realizing that is was not their place to attack.

~~Silverstar (Silverfang)

☪Dream said...

*Soaringheart purred and licked her shoulder.*

I don't either, but we don't belong to a clan anymore. It's not our business.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverfang sighs again but then nods. "You're right. Come on, let's check out the barn. I think I smell prey in there."


☪Dream said...

*Soaringheart nodded and stood up. He padded over to the barn.*

It looks sturdy, and there is defiantly prey in there. It doesn't smell like any cats or other animals have been here for a while.

*He smiled at Silverfang.*


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Hi again, LOL! By the way, I hadn't forgotten, I had just been waiting a while until a 'moon' had passed, because I have had something exciting planned. But now that I've got StormClan's updates done, I'm back to roll-play on all my Clans.)

Silverfang awoke with a start. Sunlight was peeping in through the slits in the barn roof, and she could hear Soaringheart's slow breathing beside her.

It had been a moon since they had run away together. The only thing Silverfang missed about LakeClan was her medicine cat duties. But she knew that Soaringheart was missing a lot more.

She had often seen him gazing out towards the direction of the Clans, and she always felt a pang of jealousy. Yes, Soaringheart had been a loyal mate and companion, and was everything Silverfang had ever wanted. But she knew that deep down, his heart would always belong Dreamstar, even though Rippleblaze was her mate now. This was the reason that she had hidden her secret from him.

Over the past moon, not only had she been visited by the dark cat who had killed her brother, but my other dark cats, urging her to rid the forest of the cat who had caused Soaringheart so much pain. She had refused them... Up until now.

Slowly getting up as to not to disturb Soaringheart, she left the barn and set her paws on the path that led to LakeClan. The former medicine cat's heart was full of bitterness, an icy calm that could never leave her until she settled the score. Dreamstar would never understand how much pain she had caused the two former Clan cats until she felt it for herself. Silverfang knew that the dark cats that appeared to her had some influence on her final decision, but Silverfang herself had held a grudge for too long, and couldn't hold it in any longer.

Silverfang felt a pain in her belly, reminding her once again of her secret. But it needn't be a secret for much longer... After she had gotten Dreamstar out of the way, Silverfang would tell Soaringheart. "It's the only way.", she told herself, "Soaringheart will never really love these kits while Dreamstar is alive."

Her eyes burning with the fire of hate, Silverfang continued the trek towards LakeClan, determined on what she had to do.

(Can you say 'Ashfur'? LOL!)

~~Silverstar (Silverfang)

☪Dream said...

(lol. Yup, I can. ;) )

*Soaringheart twisted and turned in his sleep....*


*Soaringheart recognized where he was. Looking into the LakeClan camp. He saw Dreamstar sitting under the LakeRock. She looked right at him, and smiled sweetly. His heart leaped. Maybe Ripplestar never happened! Maybe it was all a dream! Then he saw a shape move. A cat came from the entrance, and he recognized the lean body of Ripplestar. His heart fell. Then, Dreamstar spoke.*

Rippleblaze. How was the border patrol?

*Rippleblaze.... h-he's in LakeClan! he heard Rippleblaze purr, and he nuzzled Dreamstar. Soaringheart's eyes turned hard. She loves him now. But do my kits still love me? Soaringheart looked around. He recognized Fellkit, but he looked much older. He must be a warrior by now... The older Fellkit padded over to Dreamstar.*

Anything to report Fellwave?

*Fellwave... he is a warrior. Fellwave shook his head, and sat down beside Dreamstar and Rippleblaze. Three small kits came tumbling toward Dreamstar, three toms. Dreamstar purred, and treated them like they were her kin. Soaringheart stiffened. T-those are her kits. She had Rippleblaze's kits... Soaringheart looked away from the scene, his heart lurching. He saw Grayshadow, who was talking to Reedpond. He smiled. Then he listened in on their chatter. Reedpond's eyes were filled with sorrow as she spoke.*

Why did there have to be another battle!? it's bad enough that Ashfang died in the last one... And BlackClan killed Spottedrain and hawkfeather, and Duskfall died after that. But now more cats died. Now there's only you, Shrewpelt, Jayflight and me.

*Soaringheart gasped in pain. All his kits. Were all almost gone... Soaringheart sobbed. Then, his dream faded as he saw a familiar pelt walk into the camp.... but he didn't have time to feel the recognition. He was then submerged into darkness.*
