Comment here when you want to talk to the medicine cat.
Here are the herbs and what they do:
~Alder Bark-used for tooth aches or jaw pain.
~Aloe Vera-Speeds up the healing of topical wounds, relieves heartburn and indigestion, and also works as a laxative if consumed regularly.
~Anise-Gets rid of bad smelling breath.
~Ash Tree-New shoots are to be eaten, and chewed to ward off the effects of a adder. Seeds of the Ash tree may also be consumed to relieve a cramp in ones side.
~Borage Leaves-one of the best things to give to a cat with a fever.
~Broken Rosemary Blossoms-Used to heal eye infection or to cover up wounds around the eyes or eyelids.
~Broom Poultice- a combination of different herbs, used to treat wounds and broken legs.
~Burdock Root-Given to a cat with a rat bite (A root that is chewed up and given to a cat)
~Bistort-used for inside and outside bleeding.
~Cat Nip- Given to a cat with GreenCough or WhiteCough(A a green plant that is chewed up and distributed-it has a flavorful aroma)
~Celandine-Given to a cat with pain in the eyes.
~Chamomile-Given to a cat to help "Calm the Mind" or soothe the stomach(A type of plant that is chewed up and distributed)
~Chervil-the juice of the leaves heals infected wounds, and if you chew the root it helps bellyache (A helpful plant, leaves and root can be chewed up and distributed)
~Colt's foot-used to treat kit cough, Also used to help stimulate breathing.
~Cob Webs-Given to a cat to help stop the bleeding(of a wound etc.)(A wad of cobwebs is pressed onto the wound or cut)
~Comfrey-When chewed into a poultice and applied, can clear up pretty much any skin irritation, including burns, cuts and mosquito bites.
~Crushed Iris Petals-Used to stimulate breathing during the birthing process. This can also be used for kit’s sore throats.
~Crushed Pawpaw Roots-Used for kitten cough, which threatens only kittens.
~Cayenne-used for inside and outside bleeding.
~Daisy Leaves-Given to a cat with joint pain.
~Dock Leaves-lubricant, makes things slippery, also used for joint pains.
~Feverfew-Used to reduce fever, combined with lavender to calm nerves and cure chill.
~Ginger- Good for curing stomach aches.
~Goldenrod-Used to treat wounds and to ease pain.
~Horsetail-Helps prevent infection, and used to soothe and heal infected wounds.
~Juniper Berries-Given to a cat with a bellyache, also used for cough, and to help a cat breath easier.
~Lavender-Combined with feverfew to cure chills.
~Marigold Leaves-Helps heal wounds (also relieves pain)
~Mouse Bile-Given to a cat with ticks~(A wad of moss soaked in mouse bile is distributed to tick infested area, sooner or later the ticks drop off)
~Oak-used for inside bleeding.
~Peathingy Flower Petals-Used to help a kit with kitten cough. Will help to clear clogged throats and nasal passages.
~Parsley-stops the milk flow in cats with kits who died.
~Poppy Seeds-Given to a cat to ease the pain, or help them sleep~(Seeds shaken from a poppy plant and licked up)
~Sage-The roots are used for cracked pads. Use with poppy seeds.
~Snapdragon Seeds-Used to clear up ringworm and to help rid the body of fleas.
~St. Johnswort-used for inside and outside bleeding.
~Tansy-Relieves a cough.
~Thinned Out Heather Down-Used to help with the indigestion of a kit. It will help to line a kit’s stomach, and absorb the juices that produce the uncomfortable feeling.
~Thyme-Given to a cat in a state of shock, helps to cure shock(A useful plant which is chewed up and distributed)
~Water Mint-Used to cure bellyache. Found near marshy land and water.
~Willow Leaves and Bark-Water from beneath the bark of the flowering willow may be put into the eyes to help clear clouding of vision. It also cures itches.Small amounts of Willow Bark may be eaten as a pain killer. It will also help cure fevers.
~Windflower Shoots-Used for stomach cramps.
~Yarrow-Given to a cat to make them sick~(A certain type of leaf/herb which is chewed up and distributed)
~Death Berries-Deadly poisons masked in scarlet red. STAY AWAY!(three can kill even the strongest warrior)
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 271 of 271I brought you a vole.What.Oh.You can't eat fresh-kill?Well just try.
Okay. *trys to rip open vole but cant break through skin, trys to chew wing but wont break*
Here I'll help you.
*rips vole into tiny peices*
T-thanks*looks at tiny peices and picks one up in mouth and chews*Mmm this tastes great!
By the way I am Shinerain LakeClan's Deputy.
I got a thorn
Hi!I'm Jaykit.[sniffs around]What does this do?[points to root that is burdock root]
I've got a thorn in my nose!!
Here[pulls out both thorns and puts some marigold and cobwebs on]
I am not the medicine cat but they are out right now.
Jaykit don't touch that!Or eat it either.I know what you did last im you were in here with you brothers.I was the one who cleaned it up.
I was just asking!Sheesh!Can't a kit be curious about stuff![stalks out of den with head high but tail dragging]
Oww...I got a long, deep scratch from hip to ankle. Please help! I got this from a Killclan cat. Only one, I think. *Faints*
Hmm.I'm not a med.cat but I know the basics.*puts cobwebs and marigoldd onn the cut*
Ahh... that feels good. It's feeling better already!
Join my clan at www.brightstarofsmokeclan.blogspot.con
Brightstar/paw in this clan
Hi![Jaykit walks in.He looks around.And points his tail to a herb]
What does this herb do?(Yarrow)
Hi! Whats your name?*starts licking cut on paw really hard* Do you no where*licks cut really hard again* dreamstar is? *keeps licking cut really hard*
*runs in* Please, Med. cats, helpGrassheart!! He is dying! (go to the post about Willowmoon's kits) *she runs out again* Snowpaw
Stop licking that cut!It's still not healed.Go back to SandClan Dawnpaw!
8runs out limpin*
*grabs a bunch of Different herbs ad runs out again*
[grabs all the herbs that are for internal bleeding]
Silverfang, Mossheart's kits are coming!!!
Silverfang Pinekit keeps on coughing. what should i do?
*Lilykit and Foxkit rush in*
Skyfur's kit are coming!!Hurry!
Silverfang flicks her tail to Snowpaw. "Let's go see if we can find some herbs. We're running low on tansy.", she mews.
honeystream is having her kits!
*gasps* I'm coming! *grab borage and runs out*
*lilykit runs in and around the den then out again flicking her tail at the med.cats*
Hey, Silverfang, I'm going out. I need to desperatly talk to Foxspirit. O.K? *pads out before Silverfang can reply*
Silverfang. I'm sorry. And I still love Soaringheart. But he...just can't replace Cloudriver. Same as Ripplestar. But Cloudriver and Ripplestar, the way they make me feel when I am with them...Soaringheart can't do that...I don't know why. And I don't think Ripplestar will just walk away from me. He doesn't notice any other cat trailing after him. His own deputy, Dovefall. She really likes him...but he doesn't notice. He doesn't care.
He doesn't want anyone else. He told me once, that every night he would wait for me by the river. I don't know what to do! I am torn! Completely!
I know that I should move on from the past, but part of my heart still lies with Cloudriver! Part of my heart is with Soaringheart and Ripplestar too! I don't know what to do! What SHOULD I do? I don't know if I can ever love Soaringheart the way I used to! I still have strong feelings for him! But not in the same way it used to be!
What should I do? I'm so confused! StarClan are going to kill most of my kits! I tried to stay away from Ripplestar, but...but it was his destiny! Not mine! But it was his! So how could I avoid it? I don't know what to do!
*Dreamstar broke down crying. She fell to the ground and buried her head in her paws*
I love him. As much as I love Cloudriver...
*Dreamstar closed her eyes tight*
Silverfang's eyes shown softly in the darkness of her den. "I wish I could help, but this is up to you. Medicine cats can help torn pelts, but there is only so much we can do for a torn heart."
She paws some poppy seeds in Dreamstar's direction. "These will help you sleep tonight." She gazes at the Clan leader. "If you really want my personal opinion, I think you should stay with Soaringheart. I know you love Ripplestar, but he is from another Clan."
She looks off into the distance, lost in memories. "You will never truly be able to stay with him. And..." She gives Dreamstar an alarming look. "I know personally how it feels to have the cat you love leave you. I still remember that rage it brought upon me. Soaringheart may never respect you again as a leader and simply leave the Clan... or worse. And you must remember your other kits."
She suddenly leaps to her paws, her eyes lighting up like green fire. She lets loose with a blood-curling yowl that could wake the entire forest. "No! Not you again!", she screeches, looking past Dreamstar. Dreamstar turns around and sees nothing but a cat's shadow. She shadow fades into the wind. Silverfang sits down again, her expression that of horror. After a few moments of silence, she whispers, "Dreamstar... that is the cat... who killed my brother when I was a kit."
But...there was no cat there? It was just a shadow...
and thank-you. I know what you are saying is true. But it will just be very hard.
Hi Silverfang, Snowshine. I've been coughing a bit and I don't feel the best. Shinerain said I could be excused from warrior duties.
Sure, Hollyfeather. *makes a soft nest for her* Just lay down and try to sleep. ~Snowshine
Thanks*lies down*-Hollyfeather
Can you look over Fellkit please?Dreamstar
Hey Snowshine and Silverfang.We can't find Jayflight.So can you show me what catmint looks like?Robinfeather is gonna go with us instead.
Sure!!! This is catmint. *pulls out a few stalks*
*pads in* Lilypaw, Streampaw, and Dunepaw? Are you here???
*they pad in* Hey Foxspirit. Are you waiting for Lilypaw, Streampaw, and Dunepaw? ~Robinfeather
Yeah. ~Foxspirit
Hi Foxspirit. Your'e going with them? ~Snowshine
Yeah. Do you want to come and help? You can help me find catmint with the three apprentices while Missingfoot and Robinfeather show their apprentices the territory. Then we could all meet at the training hollow for some hunting and fighting practice. ~Foxspirit
That sounds great! ~Robinfeather and Snowshine simuntaniously
Where are they? They were here a moment ago. ~Snowshine
I'm Here Robinfeather
O.K. So now that those three are warriors, (they just had the ceremony), it will be just us three, missingfoot, and Larkpaw. Where are they, anyway? ~Foxspirit
Last I heard, Missingfoot was looking for Larkpaw. I haven't seen Larkpaw around. ~Robinfeather
So what should I do here?
We're just waiting for Missingfoot and Larkpaw. Do you guys want to go get something to eat? ~Foxspirit
Yeah!!! ~All of them
*they pad out to the fresh-kill pile*
I`m here! Sorry!
(We`ll go to the Training Hollow)
No, for now everyone gather at the fresh-kill pile. YOu need to get something to eat, because we are going to be out all day.
(I was talking as a person....because that's where we were going to collect herbs...)
(Oh. Sorry)
*sorts herbs quietly*
Beepaw winced as she was placed into a nest. "My... my back...." she said weakly."It..... hurts......................"
*Dreamstar and Soaringheart rush in with beepaw.*
Snowshine! Silverfang! We need help! FAST! beepaw in majorly hurt! you NEED to help her!
*Dreamstar rubbed her tail along Beepaw's side*
Don't worry. All will be fine.
Beepaw closed her eyes and tried to sleep despite the pain. Her mind went back to when the branch cracked and she fell. A hollow feeling was inside her. Suddenly, her eyes flickered open. "Dreamstar.........?" she said quietly. "Am... am I gonna be okay?"
*Dreamstar eyes widened at the sudden question.*
Ummmm....You will be okay, and you shall be made a warrior. Don't worry. No matter what, I promise you that you will become a warrior and still be able to train.
Silverfang,Snowshine I don't feel very well.
*is working on Beepaw and talks without turning around* O.K, Streamfrost. Is it just a bellyache, or maybe you ate some bad fresh-kill?
I think I ate some bad fresh-kill it was really scrawny maybe it was so skinny because it was sick.
Beepaw groans. "My back hurts... " she said half asleep. Suddenly she remembered the fall. "Snowshine... how long until... until I'm better?"
Silverfang comes in the den with some herbs. "Snowshine, can you sort these, please?", she asks, looking quite distracted.
Silverfang checks Beepaw's back, her expression worried. "Hmm... It would seem you have a fractured bone." When she sees how devastated Beepaw looks, she quickly adds, "Don't worry, you'll be able to walk, but it will take quite a while to heal."
She pads over to Streamfrost and feels of her belly. "No bloating, I'd say it's not poison." She sets down some water mint. "This should help you feel better."
*Dreamstar pulled Silverfang aside.*
Is really Beepaw going to be okay?
Silverfang casts a glance over at the sleeping apprentice. "I don't know. Rest is all that can help her at this point, I've done all I can."
*Dreamstar sighed*
Okay. We'll just have to wait and see.
*Dreamstar smiled*
Thanks though, for everything...
*Dreamstar purred and walked to the entrance of the den. Thinking something through before she continued on her way out.*
Yes, we'll have to find out. *sorts herbs*
Silverfang, i dont know what i should do. I took off for a while, but now i want to come back. i feel like a traitor.
*Hollyfeather, who was in the den, looked at Cloverpond confused*
Why do you feel like a traitor? So, you left for a bit, that doesn't mean much. Unless you did something wrong...then that would be a problem.
Excuse me, I think my kits are ready!
(pants as speaking)
(Lilyleaf leaves without speaking)
Is Lilyleaf having kits?!!!
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