Please read first post for a good bye

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Comment here when you want to talk to the queens or kits.


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Lilyleaf said...

Oh one is coming out...(Groan)

A striped gray kit plopped into the world.

One came out Lilyleaf!You are doing fine even without the Medicine Cat! Oh the kit that just came our was a tom. (Licks kit rapidly)

A bright silver (she cat) kit comes out.

Oh Lilyleaf! (Licks kit) What do you want to name them?

Lilyleaf said...

Uhhh, the tom will be named Reedkit.
You can name the other.


The other will be named Bubblekit.


Silvershadow234 said...

Lightkit looked around. The world was so big!

"Wow! This is so amazing!" she exclaimed.

She look at her mother. She saw a pretty ginger she-cat.

Lying next to her was her sister, Songkit. She saw a fluffy gray kit with white spots that were her feet. Lightkit scampered over.

"Songkit! Wake up! Come on! It's amazing!" Lightkit said shaking her sister with her paw.


(im cwojpgh, by the way)

Silvershadow234 said...

Songkit groaned. She lifted her head and slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was a little blurry so she blinked a few times. She saw her sister standing over her, her fur fluffed out all over the place.

"Finally. I thought you were going to never open your eyes and...Hey! They're green" Lightkit said, startled at the brilliant green eyes of her sister.

"Your eyes are blue," Songkit said quietly.

"Really?! Awesome!" Lightkit said loudly.

~Songkit + Lightkit~

(I just wanted to say that Lightkit and Songkit are almost complete opposites. Lightkit is adventurous and curious andis always getting into one toruble or another. Songkit is quiet and thoughtful and alwaysplans an attack beforehand although she doesn't want to be leader. She wants to be a warrior.

Silvershadow234 said...

Their mother opened her eyes and the two kits whirled around. They gasped. Their mother had the same green eyes as Songkit.

"I see you two have opened your eyes. Lightkit, you have amazing eyes. And Songkit, your eyes are amazing, too," Flickerflame said.

She turned her head and so did the kits. They saw a big black tom carriing a few small mice.

"Darkwing! Our kits opened their eyes. Isn't that great," Flickerflame told him.

"That is great. Hi kits! Oh, Flickerflame, they're beautiful!" Darkwing told her after he set down the mice. "Oh, yeah. I brought some mice for you."

"Thank you, Darkwing," Flickerflame said.

"Hi, Dad! Were you there when we were born?" Lightkit asked bravely.

"Why of course I was. I would have never miss that for the world"

"Hello Dad," Songkit said shyly.

"Hello Songkit. How are you?" Darkwing asked.

"I'm fine. A little tired, though," Songkit replied,yawning.

She looked at her sister and saw she was asleep at Flickerflame's side.

Songkit walked sleepily over to her mother and fell asleep.

~Flickerflame, Darkwing, Lightkit, and Songkit~

Dominæthix said...

Lilywing pads in quietly and chooses a vacant nest, she was expecting her kits any day now.

Dominæthix said...

Lilywing yowled with pain, "The kits..." she managed to gasp before wave after wave of pain took her.
A golden she-kit slipped onto the moss.
She groaned again as a black and white tom slipped onto the moss.
Lilywing was panting hard, there was no medicine cat and she was loosing blood fast.
A silvery she-kit slipped onto the moss.
Finally the last kit, a Grey tabby tom slipped onto the moss.
Lilywing just managed to nip off the sac when exhaustion took her, she had lost too much blood and she knew she would die, "The golden kit... Sunkit....the fist tom... Splotchkit... The silver kit...Shimmeringkit... the last kit... Shadowkit...." she managed to utter before she let out her last breath and went to join starclan, leaving her 4 mewling kits at her belly.

Warrior name: Sunkit
Position: kit
Gender: she kit
Picture or Detailed description:

name: Splotchkit
Position: Kit
Gender: Tom
Picture or Detailed description:

Warrior name: Shimmeringkit
Position: Kit
Gender: She-kit
Picture or Detailed description:

Warrior name: Shadowkit
Position: kit
Gender: tom
Picture or Detailed description:

Dominæthix said...

Lilywing feels a sharp pain in her stomach, "The... Kits! Help!" she cries.

Finally a golden she-kit slips onto the moss. Lilywing has bearly enough time to release the kit from her sac before a low moan escapes her.
A brown tabby tom enters the world, Lilywing is worried. blood was flowing. She nips off the sac as the pain starts again.
At last a grey tabby she-cat was released into the world.
Lilywing was worried, the was so much blood and she couldn't see a medicine cat. Finally Lilywing managed to summon enough energy to push the last black and white tom into the world before letting out her last breath and joining starclan.

Dominæthix said...

The kits mewl helplessly beside their mothers cold body.

Dominæthix said...

(ok this is getting annoying and I forgot the names so...)

A mysterious queen came and suckled them until they could eat fresh kill.

The kits were asleep when their mother appeared to them.
"I am your mother and I am here to give you your names" she meows to the kits,
"You will be Beaverkit" she meows to the first tabby tom.
"You will be Gullkit (as in Sea gull)" she meows to the she-kit.
"You will be Leapingkit" she meowed to the last black and white tom.
"Just remember I will always be with you" she meowed before fading out.

Leapingkit wakes up and nudges Gullkit, "Did you see mama in a dream?" he asks exitedly.

Gullkit wakes up and stretches although she was brimming with exitememnt, "Yeh! She said I was Gullkit!" she meowed happily.

Beaverkit woke up, "I am Beaverkit!" he yowls leaping up.

Leapingkit smiles, "I am Leapingkit!"

Cheryl Wang said...

Mistkit walks into the nursery, laying down and rests her head on her outstretched paws.

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